Thursday, 29 May 2014

Like, Love, Loathe (Link Up)

I'm a couple of days late with my latest likes, loves and loathes, oops! It's been a manic week and I'm only just catching up with bits and pieces today as it's my day off. So here are mine for this week: 

Liking: I am liking that I've just had my roots redone! I hate it when my highlights start looking all washed out and my roots start showing through, it also means I get to spend a couple of hours at the hairdressers being pampered. As it was Alfie's birthday on Saturday I also had my hair styled with some curls too which was nice (see the picture below!).

Loving: I'm loving that I'm on a proper holiday countdown now!! I can officially say I'm nearly on holiday and I cannot wait, the only downside is I think the next few days will drag at work!! I've been checking the weather and although it's still a bit early it's looking like it will be lovely and warm when we go which is good because who wants rain on holiday!!?

Loathing: There is only one thing I am loathing this week and I don't want to go into too much detail but some family members have really let me down. No text, no birthday card or present for Alfie, disgusting. We're not really sure if we've done something wrong but this is immediate family I'm talking about it and it is not acceptable. Fair enough if they have for some reason got an issue with myself and my husband but don't take it out on my son. It's a real shame, it's Alfie that I feel sorry for however I know that he is loved by other people that are actually worth having in his life. 

So there we have it for this week! What are you liking, loving and loathing this week?

Thankyou as always for reading! 

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  1. Sounds like you can't wait for your holiday and to be honest I don't blame you, I could really do with a holiday too.

  2. I'm on holiday countdown too, where are you off to? x

  3. Heya! Hope you've managed to patch things up with family, it's a shame but they're still family so hope you've figured it out :) Hope you have a lovely holiday too!
    Stop by sometime, Sarah x

    1. Hmm not so!! Here's hoping though eh! Thanks Sarah X


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