Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Like, Love, Loathe (Link Up)

I'm ready to link up again this week with Bex over at Futures! What am I liking, loving and loathing this week I hear you ask.

Liking: I've really been enjoying Eastenders lately. I think since Danny Dyer has joined the cast in the Carter family it has just become a whole lot better! Eastenders is the only soap I watch these days so I like it to have good story lines and be engaging and sometimes I can lost interest but over the recent weeks I've definitely been more interested, fingers crossed it continues!

Loving: This time of year! It's all about the flowers, I love seeing our garden bloom into colour and admire all of the beautiful flowers that appear around the local area. It's a pleasure to drive around the country side at the moment and take in all of the colours and scenery.

Loathing: Is it possible to moan about being ill again?? All I seem to be doing in the last few of these linky's is complain about germs!! It's me that's ill again, my immune system is obviously shot to pieces at the moment and I just seem to be a nice house for the germs, I have to be honesty since having Alfie I have been more ill than ever before and it's quite draining!  

What are you liking, loving and loathing this week?

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  1. Great post!

    Im liking .. being so close to my due date! Only 4 weeks until my little peanut is due!
    Im loving... Summer and will be even more so when im not pregnant and can sit in the garden in the sun with a cocktail or 2 lol.
    Im loathing.. My massive cankles the oh so glam side of pregnancy lol


    1. Eek, 4 weeks will fly by, good luck!! Thanks for the lovely comment :-) xx

  2. I love Danny Dyer. I don't watch Eastenders but I've caught myself getting involved since he joined the cast, love his accent! It's such a lovely time to be in the garden, I wish I had one and I hope you get well soon!

    1. Me too, I think he's great! Thankyou for the get well message, I hope to shift it soon too! x

  3. I love EastEnders too but I think they're going to make the Who Killed Lucy? story go on for far too long ! Fingers crossed this is your last illness mention on your loathe part - joining in for the first time and loving seeing what everyone else has put :)

    1. I agree, I don't think they should drag it out as long as they are going to either! X

  4. I love Eastenders too.....I just want to know who killed Lucy....lol
    I hope you feel better soon x

  5. I'm sorry you've been ill, I hope you feel better soon! I agree, the flowers are beautiful! Countryside drives are such a sight. I'm more a Hollyoaks fan myself, but I know how sometimes we can get bored with them. Maybe I should give it a watch. :)


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