Monday, 3 February 2014

NOTD - OPI Pure Lacquer Nail Apps

As many are aware I adore nail polish and painting my nails and all that jazz but at times I can be a little impatient and hate waiting for polish to dry fully. I recently found these OPI nail apps in my local Family Bargains of all places for only £1.99 and couldn't resist testing them out. 

These particular nail wraps are unique as they are made of 100% lacquer (other makes of nail wraps tend to be made of vinyl or plastic), once opened you can smell the familiar varnish scent but it soon goes once you start applying the nail apps. I chose a gorgeous sparkly rainbow, zebra pattern which when out of the pack looked even more pretty and sparkly.

The theory behind these wraps is how simple they are to apply. Included in the pack are 16 different sized nail apps packaged in an airtight wrapping which once opened they must be used quite quickly as they will dry out. You simply remove the backing paper and choose the correct size for your nail. 

When you have chosen the correct size wrap you gently place it on the desired nail and smooth it down by gently rubbing the surface of the lacquer onto the nail. Then you carefully crease the end of the wrap over the nail to remove the excess, you then file the edges down making sure all the extra has been removed. 

Once you have applied all of the nail apps a top coat may be applied for extra staying power, OPI advise that once on the wraps should last about 2 days. 

So now I've give you the low down on the OPI nails apps what did I think? Well I really did not like them. I found them faffy to apply and the edges peeled up no matter how much rubbing I did, I followed the directions and as far as I'm aware I didn't do anything wrong. I applied a top coat to see if that helped and it didn't, I removed these after a couple of hours as everything I did the loose edges kept catching on things which was so annoying!

I absolutely love OPI products but these are rubbish and I would rather sit around for 15 minutes and wait for actual polish to dry. A very disappointing product, good concept and with a beautiful design but not for me!!

Has anyone else tried nail wraps before? What do you think of them? 
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  1. I just dont understand how these things are ever going to work, every type I have tried have ripped, snagged or come off within minutes x
    Beautyqueenuk xx

    1. I know they are pants aren't they I'll stick with standard polish thanks! :-) x

  2. These look really cool, shame the quality isnt there though :( x

    1. I know the pattern is lovely but they are just rubbish :-( x

  3. ive been wanting to try nail wraps for ages but shame these werent good enough

  4. Hmmm... Nice idea but I don't like the look of them at all... Maybe if they were plain. And worked?!

    1. I don't know if I'd purchase them again even if they were plain haha X

  5. My daughter in law uses these wraps and they last quite a while.

    1. I think some people really like the, but they're not for me X


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