Tuesday, 11 February 2014

I Love My......Roundup Linky

One of the  promises I made to myself this year in regards to my blog is to link up more and I'm really excited to take part in the 'I love my....roundup' hosted by the lovely Bex and Sarah from Futures and Life in a Breakdown and co-hosted by Donah from Sweet Jellybean.

This linky involves answering a few questions about some of my favourite things over the last couple of weeks so let's get started!

Here are this weeks questions: 

1. What’s your favourite post you have posted this past fortnight?
One of my favourite posts that I have written hasn't actually gone live yet so I would have to say my Ocean Explorer Alfie post. I had alot of fun with it making up the little story to accompany the video and I  used it as an entry into a Tots 100 competition to become part of the Bathtime Fun Squad. 

2. Share with us a post you have loved reading from someone else this past fortnight.
I really loved watching/reading about Jordan from Jordan's Beautiful Life UK/USA beauty swap, it was so lovely to see what she received and how excited and pleased she was with all the items she'd been sent. 

3. Do you have any blogging goals for this year – if you do what are they?
As I said above one of my main blogging goals for this year is to take part in more linky's and not be scared to get involved a bit more. My blog is only a year old and is a little fish in a big sea but I feel much more confident now thanks to some wonderful bloggers who have really helped me out over the last few months. 

4. Do you celebrate Valentines? If so what are you / would you like to be doing this year?
I enjoy Valentines but my husband think it's all too manufactured and extortionate! We shall stay in and have a nice meal and probably just watch a film! 

5. What song have you been dancing too lately?
I love Katy Perry and have been listening to Dark Horse loads, it's a different vibe to her normal stuff and I love it. 

It's lovely to be part of this linky and I look forward to the next one! Click the widget below for more information if you want to link up too.

Round Up
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  1. Love your answers to the linky. I've not heard that KP song yet! I like it x

  2. Loved the answers to the questions! I'm not big on Valentines Day, such a killjoy, ha! x

    1. Haha well it isn't for everyone :-) Thanks for the comment hun X

  3. Lovely idea, the questions are great... I too am not a Valentine's day fan :(

    Georgie xx


  4. I agree valentines has definitely become too manufactured people forget about the important part, just spending time with your partner x

    Gemma from ButtonsBlog


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