Saturday, 22 February 2014

GlossyBox February 2014 Review - Be Mine

After the dismal box that was received last month (read the review here) I have to admit my finger hovered above the cancel subscription button a few times but I didn't, I held out for another month, I wanted to receive the Valentine's box as in the back of my mind I was hoping that the January box was just a blip. 

Firstly I have to say well done to Glossybox, it seems they have actually listened to their subscribers, I know there was alot of disappointment surrounding the January box and people felt pretty let down with the items received so I was really pleased when I saw the contents of the February 'Be Mine' box. 

I LOVE the box, it's gorgeous! I like it when Glossybox theme the boxes as it changes things up a bit, this months box is covered in a variety of pink lipstick kisses and inside the products are nestled within white tissue paper tied up with the usual hot pink Glossybox ribbon. The box is so pretty I took quite a few pictures of it as you can see!

What did I receive this month? 

When I looked inside the box I was excited, every single one of the items I love and instead of 5 items I received 6 which was a lovely surprise. 

First up is Maybelline Big Eyes Mascara (full size item received RRP £8.99) This is a brand new product and I was really pleased to receive it, designed with 2 different brushes to ensure an eye-opening effect, I have used this  a couple of times and I can confirm I love it, I would definitely buy this again. Great item to receive!

Next up is NV Chunky Eye Crayon (Full size 4g item received RRP £5.00) Not a brand I'm familiar with but it's lovely to receive another make up item. I love the cute packaging and the shade I received is called Fondant Fancy which is a gorgeous bright, shimmery purple. I have used this a couple of times and it's great, gorgeous colour and applies nicely and seems to be quite versatile in the looks that you can achieve using it. Another great item to receive. After having a browse at the NV Colour website I think it's safe to say I'm a convert and there will be an order coming there way soon and seeing as Glossybox included a 20% off code what better excuse do I have!

The next item that I received is my favourite of the whole box!!!! I am always chuffed when a nail polish is included, especially when it's a Ciate Paint Pot (full size 13.5ml received RRP £9.00). I was sent the shade Plastic Fantastic which is a lovely plummy pink shade. I love everything about Ciate from the gorgeous bottles to the stunning colour, I am very happy to add this to my collection. 

The fourth item included is Nougat London Sparkling Body Shimmer (100ml received, full size 250ml RRP £14.00). This is a gorgeous item, it looks so pretty in the bottle and smells amazing, the scent is cherry blossom which is just lovely. I was expecting it to be like a body cream but it has a lotion consistency in that it's quite runny but once applied it leaves a beautiful sheen where applied. Me loves!

The next item is my least favourite item however I wasn't disappointed to receive them I would just prefer them in bottles rather than sachets. The sachets I received are Giovanni Eco Chic Cosmetics (RRP £7.99 for 251ml). I received the ultra-moist shampoo and conditioner and a deep,deep moisture hair mask. I will of course use these but I just dislike receiving sachets, that being said I love the contents of this box so much I can overlook the whole sachet issue. 

Finally my little extra treat included was a yummy, scrummy Lindt Lindor Treat Bar (full size received RRP 79p) this did not last long and it was delicious!!! Glossybox used to include a little treat several boxes ago which I really liked as I think it's a nice touch so I hope it contiunes. 

Overall I think Glossybox definitely have made much more of an effort with this box, I genuinely did love every single item I received and I really hope they continue to keep the quality up in the future. Thankyou for a great box Glossybox!

Did anyone receive anything different in theirs this month?
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  1. I love the nail varnish colour! great little box

  2. What a fabulous collection - and so prettily packaged! gorgeous

  3. Ooh plastic fantastic is fabulous x

    1. It's gorgeous and I was so pleased to receive a different colour other than red. X

  4. i have never brought a glossybox, but have been thinking about signing up for a while, and they look great, love the nail polish,

    1. I think judging by this box and if they keep the quality up you should! x


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