Monday, 20 May 2013

BB Beautiful! L'oreal Nude Magique BB Cream - Review

I'm getting on the BB bandwagon!! It's taken me a while but I've finally hopped on and you are not getting me off. 

I've been reading about BB cream for quite some time now and never really gave thought as to what they are. In a nutshell BB Cream basically stands for beauty balm or blemish balm/base, it's supposed to be an all in one thingy me jig doing the job of a primer, a foundation and it will even out any imperfections while looking like you're barely wearing a foundation.Amazing!

I spent the best part of 40 minutes (no joke) in my local Superdrug trying to make the decision which BB cream to seems like every brand has their own version now so I was a bit clueless, couple this with the new CC cream (colour correcting/complexion correcting) and it is quite confusing! Anyway, I opted for L'oreal as I've used plenty of their products previously and not been disappointed. Firstly, I like the packaging of the L'oreal Nude Magique BB cream, I also like the idea of the smart pigment capsules which transform before your eyes (how exciting!).

In the above pictures you can see that the BB cream actually comes out as a pale,creamy colour and it's slightly gritty which are the smart pigment capsules. You can then see in the rest of the pictures how the smart capsules then develop into the colour, it's quite clever! I always use a foundation brush when I want a professional finish as I think it spreads the product more evenly and you are more in control of where you want the product to go. I found that the amount I put on the brush wasn't quite enough and I needed a touch more just for it to fully cover my face.

Now I apologise in advance for the horrible pictures of my face that I'll post but I wanted to show the before and after shots, I don't want to scare anyone off! Also the photos aren't great quality and the lighting is rubbish but they give an idea of the coverage.

The top left is me completely bare faced all I have used is a light covering of moisturiser to make sure I have a base to apply the BB cream. In the 2nd picture on the right I have applied the product, I think it did a great job of covering the blemishes and it definitely evens out my skin tone. In the bottom 2 pictures is the finished look. To complete my make up I used Maybelline DreamLumi Touch Concealer (shade Ivory) available from Superdrug for £6.99, Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick (shade Rose) available from Bobbi Brown for £32.00 and a slick of Lancome Juicy Tube (shade Fraise) available from Lancome for £16.00. I won't bore you with my eye makeup as it would take ages! If anyone wants to know leave me a comment and I'll fill you in :-) 

Here is a token picture of my beloved Shimmer brick compact just because I love it!

Overall I'm really impressed with the L'oreal BB cream which is widely available but you can buy it from Superdrug for £9.99 and it's on 3 for 2 at the moment). It gives a lovely coverage (although I wouldn't say it didn't look like I was wearing a foundation), it covers blemishes, evens out my skin tone and lasted really well throughout the day. If I was going out for the evening I would stick to an actual foundation purely for a fuller coverage, but for daytime wear this suits me perfectly and it does feel very light when worn. My next purchase is totally going to be the CC cream!! 

What are peoples opinions on BB creams? Any recommendations on other great brands?

Thanks for reading :-) 

Hels X


  1. great post! im looking for a good BB Cream :)

  2. Hiya! Thank you, I would definitely recommend this one, I'd be interested to try it against some of the other brands available but usually L'oreal is pretty good.

    Hels X


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