{Collaborative content} Whether you are
currently struggling with your mental health or you’re interested
in doing whatever you can to protect your mental health in the
future, you may want to start by looking at your lifestyle. Although
much of mental illness is unavoidable, there is a significant
lifestyle factor at play in many cases of poor mental health and
doing what you can to improve the way you live from day to day can
really help. Starting from the inside out can really help, tackling your digestive health can be a good way to start, check out Nucific reviews for some inspiration.
With that in mind, here
are some of the key lifestyle factors that could be harming your
mental health:
Low activity levels
We all know that
exercise is good for our physical health and wellbeing, but did you
know it is just as important for your mental health too? Exercise
has been found to be an effective way of treating depression,
often working as well as medication, and since it is free and does
not come with any side-effects...well apart from a few aching muscles
maybe, it is a great thing to incorporate into your daily schedule.
Ideally, you should try
to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day to get those endorphins
pumping, but that doesn’t mean you have to sweat it at the gym - a
brisk walk can be just as effective if not more so since time in
nature has been shown to improve mental wellbeing too. Try a few
things and see what works for you; the more likely you are to stick
with an exercise the better it will be for you.
A lot of people who are
struggling with their mental health use smoking as a crutch. It helps
to distract them and gives them something to do, which is perhaps why
around half of all mental illness sufferers are smokers. However,
smoking is really not a good way to go when you’re having trouble
with your mental health. Various research over the years has shown
that giving up smoking can improve your mental health within a matter
of weeks.
Of course, quitting
smoking is hard and when you’re already feeling unwell, adding the
extra stress to your life can seem like too much to bear, which is
why you may want to take it slow by first cutting down, vaping or
seeking specialist help to get you off the cigarettes. If you really
don’t think you can manage it right now, wait until you’re in a
better headspace and tackle it then. Removing those nasty toxins from
your body will not only boost your mood, but it will benefit your
physical health, lowering your risk of heart disease and lung cancer,
amongst other things, significantly.
Drinking excessively
There is nothing wrong
with having a drink or two here and there, but many people who are
struggling with their mental health start to self-medicate with
alcohol, drinking more than the recommended weekly amount, and
increasing their consumption as their mental health gets worse. The
thing is, the alcohol is almost certainly contributing to their
worsening mental health.
As you will probably
know, alcohol effects the brain in a variety of ways. Unfortunately,
it can increase feelings of stress anxiety and depression by
depleting the brain and body of vital nutrients. It’s also pretty
easy to become dependant on it, which can cause fatigue, depression,
physical illness and so many bad things. If you drink too much, and
you think it’s becoming a problem, you may want to see your doctor
or look into local alcohol
rehab facilities. If it hasn’t gotten to that point,
but you tend to use alcohol as a crutch, try replacing it with a
healthier behaviour such as exercise, reading, or seeing friends.
Alcohol in moderation is fine, but drinking to excess won’t help at
Poor diet
Your diet doesn’t
just dictate your weight or physical health - it has a direct impact
on your mental wellbeing
too. If you eat lots of unhealthy processed meals, sweets, crisps,
and stuff that has a low nutrient value, not only will you feel
sluggish and unfit, but you’ll probably feel mentally low tool.
If you want to eat for
better mental health, you should focus on consuming healthy homemade
meals with a focus on whole foods. You should also ensure that you
get plenty of Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, which can be found in oily
fish, avocados, walnuts and tofu amongst other things. These fatty
acids are known to feed the brain and boost mental health when eaten
regularly. They’re also pretty delicious as part of a healthy
balanced meal.
People who are feeling
down can also be tempted to skip meals or overindulge, but both of
these ways of eating can make symptoms worse. It’s far better to
eat three healthy balanced meals each day with a couple of healthy
snacks such as nuts, carrot sticks or fruit, in between if you need
Poor physical health
Unfortunately, if you
suffer from poor physical health, you are more likely to struggle
with your mental health too. This is understandable because things
like chronic pain can be difficult to manage and hard to cope with.
Not only that, but infections can cause stress and other mental
health symptoms too. That is why it is so important that you do not
neglect your physical health. As soon as you notice any issues with
your health, see a pharmacist, doctor or appropriate healthcare
professional and do what you can to manage/treat them as soon as
possible to start feeling better fast.
Toxic relationships
relationships can shatter your mental health. If
you’re in a relationship - romantic or not - with an individual who
puts you down all the time, makes you feel bad about yourself,
gaslights you, etc., do what you can to get out and get safe as soon
as possible. If you don’t, you could have years of stress, anxiety
and depression ahead of you. Put yourself first and severe ties with
the toxic people in your life.
Spending too much
time online
The internet is a
wonderful resource and there is absolutely nothing wrong with using
it on a regular basis. But, if you spend all of your time online
looking at models on Instagram or comparing yourself to your friends
on Facebook, your self-esteem is going to take a hit and you’ll
probably end up feeling quite low. So, turn off the phone more often,
have a social media break or only follow accounts that make you feel
good about yourself and see how much better you feel as a result.
Not getting enough
If you don’t get
enough sleep, your physical and mental health will suffer. Sleep
experts say that anything between 7 and 9 hours is enough for the
average adult and that is a figure you should aspire to because going
to bed and getting up at the same time each day helps to regulate
your circadian rhythm, This can help you to recover faster from
physical illnesses, and more importantly, it gives your mind and body
the time it needs to rest and repair, so you’re less likely to feel
anxious, stressed or depressed when you get up in the morning. Sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and if you're struggling to get adequate rest, you can try out sleep supplements or cannabis products like Delta 9 gummies, which may aid in promoting better sleep quality. You can search the internet for a reputable cannabis store and buy delta 9 gummies online, or you can also source them from a local dispensary. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements like gummies into your routine.
You don’t make
time for meditation
Some people tout
as a miracle cure for all that ails you and although that isn’t
close to being true, it is fair to say that a regular meditation
practice can be hugely beneficial to your mental health. When you
meditate, you learn to take things in your stride more. You learn how
to stop ruminating on the negative, focus more on the positive, and
even how to give yourself a break from thinking full-stop. What’s
not to love?
There’s no substitute
for good mental health care, but these lifestyle changes could make a
significant difference to your health and wellbeing.
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