Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Top Tips for Heating your Home

Ad {collaborative content} I know, I know it seems crazy to be talking about heating your house when we're nearly into May but actually we've had a few chilly nights and mornings which has made it hard to get out of bed! It is however, lovely to see some lighter mornings rather than dark and dreary! My husband won't let me turn the central heating back on though! 

Here are some tips for keeping the house warm and when the weather takes a dip for the worse. 

- Make sure your central heating is working and fully functioning. You may of course need new central heating installation or a new central heating boiler if your current system is not working 

- I always find keeping lots of throws and fleeces around the house is a cosy alternative when the evenings are a bit chilly, I do love a fleecy throw! 

- Check the sealant around your windows, ineffective or broken seals really can make a big difference to the warmth of your house. 

- If you have vents around your windows close them when it is cold, I'm always amazed how much cold air I can feel coming through them when they aren't shut.

Have you got any further tips for keeping your home warm?

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