This is the 2nd post I'm featuring in my little nursing series. The 1st post was all about the nursing journey and this post is a bit of a light hearted one. If you don't have a sense of humour in nursing you're in the wrong job, you need to take things with a pinch of salt sometimes and also need to be able to have a bit of a laugh otherwise nursing can be quite consuming and tough.
So I've been having a little think about things that you really shouldn't say to a Nurse.....
You're 'just' a Nurse......I'd rather see a Dr......I thought I was seeing a Dr..... OK so it may not be your fault that you're seeing me, you may have not mentioned you need a Dr but please do me the courtesy to see if I can help, you'd be surprised what we can do you know! It can actually be slightly offensive if you don't think I'm capable of helping, try just never know.
I like your outfit. Errmmmm it's my uniform, I'm proud to wear it and I certainly don't wear it to impress people. Plus do you know how hot they are?!
I have self diagnosed using 'Dr.Google' *head in hands*. Please don't. Ok, ok I admit I Google symptoms too sometimes but telling me you've diagnosed yourself with a disease or similar is never a good move. Plus most of the time Dr. Google tells you that you're dying when you're not which means I then have to reassure you that, actually you are fine and all you need is a plaster!
Nursing is a glamorous job, right? Oh God. It's not. At all. Trust me when I say I've seen more vaginas than a man on heat, I've knelt in pee, inserted suppositories, catheterised, cleaned bums, cleaned up vomit, squeezed pus, exposed myself to more germs I dare think about and have a love for leg ulcers, no joke. It is the least glamorous job ever! Wouldn't change it mind you.......
All you do is wipe bums isn't it? This is a big no, no as something not to say to a Nurse. To be fair, I actually don't wipe bums (other than my kids) these days but I've done my fair share. Have you ever worked out a drug calculation? If not I urge you to go work out some drip rates for an IV. We have to know a lot of stuff, tons of information about lots of things. In my job in particular I need to know about blood pressure, cholesterol, long term conditions, cervical smears, baby imms and vacs, medications, wound care and treatment room competencies amongst so much more. In hospitals there is so much more other stuff going on, far too much to list but nurses are at the forefront of care, we do a whole lot more than wiping bums.
I'm embarrassed. Please don't be, trust me when I say we've seen it all, we really have. You private regions or lumps and bumps are like every other body part to me.
Do you know what you're doing/are you experienced/are you qualified to do that? No, no I don't have a clue. DOH. Of course I know what I'm doing, as Nurses we only ever do things that we are comfortable carrying out or that we've been trained to do. Plus did I mention my 3 year university course and hours of placements! Of course, it's a life long learning career and we are constantly experiencing new things and learning new skills but we would never do something that we didn't feel capable of doing. Likewise if you want to ask me questions, please do but after I've finished whatever I'm doing.
There are things in my career that really don't phase me anymore. It's amazing how you become accustomed to seeing a variety of body parts and bodily functions. I don't think I'll ever get over my vomit issue but generally speaking I am quite used to seeing and hearing a variety of things and some of the above get said to me frequently so I guess I've developed a bit of a thick skin but please do remember we are here to care for you and look after you and that is our main priority.
I hope you've enjoyed the 2nd part to my little mini series. Look out for the 3rd instalment coming soon!
I'm embarrassed. Please don't be, trust me when I say we've seen it all, we really have. You private regions or lumps and bumps are like every other body part to me.
Do you know what you're doing/are you experienced/are you qualified to do that? No, no I don't have a clue. DOH. Of course I know what I'm doing, as Nurses we only ever do things that we are comfortable carrying out or that we've been trained to do. Plus did I mention my 3 year university course and hours of placements! Of course, it's a life long learning career and we are constantly experiencing new things and learning new skills but we would never do something that we didn't feel capable of doing. Likewise if you want to ask me questions, please do but after I've finished whatever I'm doing.

Not technically a thing to say but something not to do is to poke around in a wound or remove a previous dressing while I'm in the room, sooo not a good idea! Firstly, I've washed and decontaminated my hands to ensure that infections do not get into your wound or injury so please don't think you are helping me out by touching your wound or taking your own dressing off. I can't tell you how close I've been to tapping patients hands out the way! Generally I tell them not to for fear of infection risk but actually it's really much easier if you just let us do it.
There are things in my career that really don't phase me anymore. It's amazing how you become accustomed to seeing a variety of body parts and bodily functions. I don't think I'll ever get over my vomit issue but generally speaking I am quite used to seeing and hearing a variety of things and some of the above get said to me frequently so I guess I've developed a bit of a thick skin but please do remember we are here to care for you and look after you and that is our main priority.
I hope you've enjoyed the 2nd part to my little mini series. Look out for the 3rd instalment coming soon!
Oh Helen, I'm guilty of the "i'm so embarrassed". But the worst part is, I'm actually not embarrassed, I just can't sit patiently in silence. I'm a talker and it always seems like a good opening line, haha. From now on I will say... "you are doing a fabulous job, sweating to death all day in your uniform, whilst we poke around in our wounds feeling embarrassed for ourselves" haha.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those people that seems to end up in hospital way too many times, so always incredibly thankful for the nursing staff. You guys are responsible for putting us back to get and not just physically. Thank you x #bestandworst x
Love this and after spending so much time in hospital I certainly know its not glamorous!! And as for "you're not a doctor" no you're not but nurses in hospitals know far more than the doctors at times!! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst and I have everything crossed for the insurance xx
ReplyDeleteHi, what a great read serious but amusing at the same time. It sounds like your job is very diverse and one that you clearly love. I'm sure there are many nurses who are also have an aversion to vomit, Chloe #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteNurses are amazing and do long hours often with rubbish attitudes from patients. Thanks for sharing the insights #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteI could never be a nurse - purely because I don't think I could handle the PEOPLE. And this post has done nothing but prove me right - people suck haha #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteHaha I am soooo guilty of consulting Dr Google!! I couldn't be a nurse, I don't have the stomach for it and I certainly couldn't handle the patients, but I think nurses are amazing! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteHa this did make me laugh, a good friend of mine is an amazing nurse and she has told me things very similar to this before! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this one a lot! It's a good job you're not squeamish!! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteI love this. My husband is a Ambulance Technician and Trainee Paramedic, the amount of time he's gets called an 'Ambulance Driver is crazy! You are most definitely not 'just a nurse'!! #bestandworse
ReplyDeleteHere is another "Why didn't you just become a doctor?"
ReplyDeleteMy hubs is a CRNA here in the states ;)
Do people really tell you they like your outfit?! How odd! I choose to see the nurses at my practise over and above the doctor's unless I really can't. They are all so lovely and the prescribing nurse has seen L so many times now she says hello if we see her out shopping! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant...
ReplyDeleteI actually trust nurses more than I do doctors....You and other nurses are amazing!!
This is excellent I google everything guilty as charged fantastic insightful posts thanks for hosting #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteWho on earth would think being a nurse was glamorous? I do feel embarrassed about seeing medical staff over certain things but since giving birth twice I think I'm pretty much over that now! Xx #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteufff I'm not so bad I've never use any of this phrase to a nurse:D
Blimey, whoever said being a nurse was glamorous? I'm not a nurse, nor have I ever been one but surely anyone with a bit of common sense would know that nursing isn't glamorous. I will admit to being a Googler when I'm poorly though but everyone does that right?
I honestly don't know how you do it, not just because of all the body parts and fluids I'd rather not think about, but because the way some people speak/behave toward nurses. You must have the patience of a saint, upmost respect to you x
This is brilliant, thank you. It's a real eye opener and I'm learning so much. Looking forward to the next in the series. #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteThese are brill. The one about you "only being a nurse" must drive you mad!! xx #bestandworst x
ReplyDeleteI think I stopped being embarrassed after countless smears, a colposcopy, child birth, stitches and then an op to fix the scar - it means nothing anymore! Dignity well and truly lost!!! :D
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, I think you do an incredible job. So well done you. I love this series. #bestandworst
I think it takes a specific type of person to be a nurse. I don't think I have it in me. I would be horrible at it. #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteOh dear! Some of these things made me wince. Do people actually say those things? #PoCoLo
ReplyDeleteI've worked in a hospital for over 20 years, so I know it is the nurses who actually get shit done.
ReplyDeleteI can't see why people would want to remove dressings euch. #bestandworst
ReplyDeleterest assured a lot of people are very glad with the work you do and appreciate the effort you put in.
ReplyDeleteHopefully only a small fraction of the people you deal with every day say some of these lines.
my dad can't praise the nurses enough for his ongoing medical condition, he'll often ask to see the nurse rather than the doctor as they know more about the practicality of the life style changes he has to make pocolo
ReplyDeleteLove this post, I'm a community nurse now and it's so true. When you offer advice and you get told "well I checked on google and it says.." erm...NO! Definitely have to have a sense of humour, gets your through the day, luckily a few of my colleagues are on my humour and smut wave length so we have a fair few giggles! #thatfridaylinky X
ReplyDeleteI've got to be honest, I've said that I want to see a doctor not a nurse when it comes to my kids. It's more me being a 'paranoid' mum than me assuming nurses aren't 'as good'. I'd happily see a nurse rather than a doctor for myself. Both my parents were nurses. My mum went onto midwifery. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky
ReplyDeleteYou do an amazing job and hats off to you for having to deal with people all the time. Tough job, long hours and I'm sure some scenes to keep you in dinner stories for years! Thanks for doing what you do.
Great post Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please
ReplyDeleteGreat post and love reading about it from your perspective! Xx
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I am in awe of what you do only certain people could... , suppositories, vomit, needles, blood... I've experienced them but have to be prepared and looking away. I can't believe people do and say some of these though! Oh and Dr Google... Oooops i find it amazing what you can look up and be dying! #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteI like your outfit?! That can only be creepy right?
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that someone would ask what if you knew what you were doing! How rude! x #bestandworst
ReplyDeleteI hate it when old men make comments about nurses outfits - i think unfortunately the past generation of seeing nurses as just a Doctors assistant has screwed all current nurses.
ReplyDeleteI tip my imaginary hat to you, id love to do your job but couldnt do the hours! #thatfridaylinky