Monday, 20 March 2017

Brilliant Bunchems ! *Review*

If you haven't heard of Bunchems! Where have you been? These crazy, sticky (except they're not sticky), squashy, colourful things have been causing a stir for quite some time now and it's easy to see why. 

Bunchems. They really are unlike any toy that we have and we have alot of toys. These brightly coloured little balls cleverly stick to each other with a little squeeze and allow the child to use their imagination and let their creativity flow. 

We were kindly sent 2 packs to test out and both surpassed my expectations. Both boxes were filled to the brim with these curious little, crazy balls, they look so inviting to the curious, creative child and as soon as Alfie saw inside the box he couldn't wait to start creating. Both boxes feature a mix of colours and accessories to make a variety of critters.

I have to admit, it wasn't just Alfie that got involved. Myself and my husband got right in there having a little go and seeing what we could create. These things are addictive and quite relaxing, I kid you not. There is something about them that draws you in wanting to stick them together and create crazy, 3d creatures and models. Alfie was obsessed with making a scrunch......his idea of a monster I think! He was very proud of his scrunch that's for sure. 

The concept is so simple it's a winning formula. Similar to sticklebricks in that they magically fix together and stay it's easy for children and their little hands to be creative. The possibilities are literally endless with what you can make.

Bumchems are recommended for age 4 + and I would have to agree with this. We let Elarna play with them fully supervised but they are a choking risk and it wouldn't be a smart move to let any child younger than 4 play with them alone, as mentioned they do look rather inviting to the younger child so make sure you store well out of their reach. 

We had a go at making several things that the instruction book suggests. Alfie loved the bumble bee that Daddy helped him make, pretty cute isn't it! We also spent quite alot of time trying to make the biggest snake that we could out of then Bunchems.......sadly I didn't get a chance to take a picture of this as Alfie was quite protective over it!

So what did we like?

  • They are fun and engaging
  • Encourage fine motor skills and imagination
  • They are bright and interesting
  • Reasonable price for what is included
  • Unique and original 
  • Kept the kids entertained for a decent amount of time. 

What weren't we so keen on? 

  • The cardboard box wasn't ideal to store them in once opened
  • They are quite small so the age range is fairly restricted
  • They get everywhere!! I keep finding them in a variety of places.

Overall,  I was very impressed with them. It went above my expectations, engaged the kids far more than I anticipated and they are a welcome addition to our toy collection. We will definitely be taking several away on holiday with us as they did occupy them for quite some time and as they come in a fairly slim box they don't take up much space at all. 

Have you ever tried Bunchems? What did you think of them? 

* Please note I was kindly sent the items free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are that of my own.


  1. Oooh, I've been wanting to try these for a while, but I think having read this I'll wait until the littles isn't quite so obsessed with putting everything in his mouth!! #MarvMondays

  2. They look a lot of fun, even if a bit messy!! Elarna's cheeky face!!! Thanks for joining as ever for #marvmondays xx

  3. I wanted to get these for my youngest. Then I heard horror stories about them getting caught in kid's I didn't get them. Looks like a lot of fun though!

  4. These look like a lot of fun and if they kept the kids so well entertained it's such a bonus! I like the colours! #bestandworst xx

  5. I've never heard of these! They look great fun. Anything that keep them occupied for a while is a winner. Love the bright colours. #bestandworst

  6. Hi, I've not heard of Bunchems before. I love the bright colours. The bee is an impressive creation. I'm sure grown ups will love these to #bestandworst

  7. I've got a small pack of bunchems at home, L had never seen them, they are mine! Like a little stress ball, very tactile, I've got them on my desk. #bestandworst

  8. These look so fun! Jacob's a bit little, but I want them for myself! #bestandworst

  9. Back again for #bestandworst. Thanks for hosting as always xxx

  10. My kids got a box of these for Christmas and I love them, I agree the box isn't great as we can't get the lid to go back on but other than that they're perfect x

  11. Looks like great fun: do they take apart to be re-used? #bestandworst

  12. Those look great fun, but I'm glad the Tubblet is slightly too old for them. I remember those band things getting everywhere!

  13. I've always wondered how these actually work! They look very fun but Alfie would just try to eat them ha I have also heard of hair issues! But the kids seem to enjoy them #bestandworst

  14. I can not tell you the number of times I have found these in my toddlers' hair...and the dog's hair. I find great joy now in vacuuming them up!


  15. They look really good! And your kids are so cute :) x

  16. These look like a lot of fun. I have read a lot about them getting stuck in kids hair though. One day I was at a store with my boyfriend and he brought them to me. I said "these get stuck in kids hair." And before I could finish my sentence he had stuck one in my hair. Took us 20 minutes to get it out lol #bestandworst

  17. My girls have been asking for these having seen them on the telly but I wasn't sure whether they were as good as they looked!! I think I will buy some based on this, thank you! #runjumpscrap

  18. Looks like alot of fun and something else that I would find dotted all around my house!:)



  19. These look amazing, my son would love these xx #bestandworst

  20. I'd never heard of these but they look fun.

  21. I love their creations. We received this too. My girls loved making the tiger and the monkey! Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  22. My 6 year old absolutely loves Bunch 'Ems. They are what she asked for for her last birthday and for Christmas last year.

    1. We had these too so much fun great review Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  23. These look amazing! I'm going to keep an eye out for them in the shops. #ThatFridayLinky

  24. These look fab - I'll keep an eye out for them in the shop :) #ThatFridayLinky

  25. These look bright and colourful. #bestandworst

  26. I haven't heard of these - where have I been?! #bestandworst


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