Monday, 27 March 2017

Magic Bean Pot - *Review*

We have a little fairy in our house. She sits quietly on the windowsill watching over us, just checking on what we're doing and taking it all in. Her name is Hope and she's in charge of her little flowerpot where she grows her cute magic beans.

The magic beanpot comes beautifully packaged in a colourful little box. Inside you get a small flower pot, a mini spade, a fairy, a robin and a couple of beans to plant. The actual beans themselves are so sweet with the word 'hope' and a star imprinted on them. The only thing you have to provide is the compost to plant your bean in, water to make it grow and a little bit of love. 

So we planted our little bean and we wished and waited and hoped it grew. We wished and waited some more, and some more but our little bean did not grow. Sadly, because the weather was a little on the cold side when we planted it, the little bean did not germinate. We remain hopeful for the next one though. Ironic that our fairy was called Hope really!

These really are the sweetest products, it would make a lovely gift and retailing at £7.99 it's an affordable price. You can choose between Hope or Joy, both lovely choices and I'm sure any budding gardener would love to have a go planting and taking care of a magic bean.

I love all the 'my fairy garden' items, you can have a nose at them by clicking here, they are so whimsical and fairytale it's hard not to be drawn to them. There are also lots of fun games and activities available on the website........go see what fairy you are,  I got Belle! I also spent a fair bit of time doing the jigsaws, very therapeutic! So if you're looking for a unique gift I would definitely recommend checking out the fairy items available. 

* Please not we were kindly sent a magic bean pot for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. So pretty, perfect for little (and big) girls! I hope it grows :) #marvmondays

  2. Sounds adorable. My four-year-old is all about fairies these days. #MarvMondays

  3. Ah these look cute. Thanks for sharing for #marvmondays x

  4. Well with my blog name I think it's fair to say that I love this post!! How cute:)



  5. These are super cute. I'm the absolute worst at gardening or trying to keep anything alive. Thanks for hosting! #bestandworst

  6. Aww! That is just adorable. We love fairies here. #bestandworst

  7. It's a lovely idea! We have seeds to plant on the next nice day so H can grow some of her own tomatoes and pumpkins (after the Peppa episode!).

  8. Aww, what a shame yours didn't grow! Looks cute though.


  9. Ah these re gorgeous and so great for the kid's imaginations too! #bestandworst

  10. This is a lovely idea, we are growing herbs at the moment and I love things like this xx #bestandworst

  11. These sound fab great review thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  12. How adorable! I love these products too. #bestandworst

  13. Oh no what a shame yours didn't grow!! I would have been disappointed, but it does look like a lovely set and I know my girls would love one! #bestandworst

  14. That looks really cute. I'm tempted to get my girls a fairy garden of their own each, but they can be a bit pricey.

  15. I imagine the girls would love this. #bestandworst

  16. My Little Miss H would love this. She is really in to growing things at the moment. This sounds so cute. But it is a shame that your magic beans didn't grow. Hugs Lucy xxxx #MarvMondays

  17. These are so cute! The gremlin got something similar with grass and loved it!! x #bestandworst

  18. That is cute. I sure hope you have better luck with the second bean. #bestandworst

  19. BB would love this! I might get her one for Easter! #bestandworst

  20. Do keep us posted! I want to see them grow! Lovely post. #BestandWorst xoxo


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