Sunday, 26 February 2017

The Month for Desserts!

February Is A Month for Warm Blankets and Decadent Desserts

This is the time of year that everyone starts saying that spring is just around the corner, but what’s all the optimism good for if I’m still sitting here freezing under a pile of blankets! This year, I’m not going to fight February. I’m going to embrace it for all it has to offer. Sure, you might not be able to go to the park and your nights out with friends might be less frequent, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time at home! Start by turning the heat up and investing in some super comfy jumpers and blankets. Next, huddle up to a warm oven and get your bake on!

February is for indulging in desserts and is the month when we celebrate Nutella Day and Bramley Apple Week. Here are some creative ideas to make your February a little more active and a lot more delicious!

Celebrate Nutella Day the Right Way

More often than not, the only thing complementing my jar of Nutella is a spoon! But not this year! I’m going to celebrate Nutella Day right by using it to make some fantastic biscuits and cakes. Here are a few recipes I’ve been dying to try!

Get crafty with your Nutella addiction this year and make something toasty and irresistible! Don’t forget to share your results!

Stock Up on Bramley Apples

Fruit isn’t usually the first thing we think of eating in the winter, but with Bramley Apple Week in full swing, it’s no better time to warm your body, mind, and soul with some rich apple pie, hot cider or gooey applesauce. There are a number of tarts and cakes that are packed with nutrient rich apples and taste great, too! Take this opportunity to learn a new skill and bring a little colour into your diet! Check out some popular Bramley Apple recipes here!

Image result for bramley apples
Image courtesy of

Order In and Snuggle Up

Sometimes, after a long winter workweek, I just don’t feel like cooking. Scratch that; I don’t feel like doing anything! This is when I love to get into my pyjamas, snuggle up on the couch with my Silentnight heated blanket and order some goodies delivered right to my door. Delivery isn’t just for pizza and Chinese anymore. You can now order a wide range of savoury and sweet dishes with the click of a button! An effortless night in with a glass of wine and my favourite dessert is all I need to recharge my batteries and bring a little colour to my cheeks!

Don’t sit around freezing and sulking this February. Get into the kitchen and get creative. There’s nothing stopping you from turning February from frigid to festive!

* Collaborative Post.

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