Friday, 14 October 2016

Our Week!

Other than a few unsettled nights and illness, this week has been really lovely. I ended the week/started the weekend drinking one of my absolute favourite wines (The Ned which you can purchase from Waitrose), if you like your sauvignons then this one is well worth a try, nom!! Usually hubby goes to the pub with his Dad on a Friday but he didn't this week which meant 1. I had to share my wine (shite) and 2. I couldn't watch all my reality and American TV which was fairly annoying - I did however manage to catch up on Ex on the Beach but kind of wish I hadn't as Adi moaned all the way!!

Saturday I was working for a few hours at a flu clinic, it was absolutely fine other than getting home to carnage - a whiny 18 month old, a loud 4 year old and a slightly grumpy husband! The highlight of my day was a visit to the wine shop to stock up on a few bottles! Saturday night was spent chilling with the log fire on and watching Strictly and X Factor. 

On Sunday we went to the Autumn food and country fair which was on just near where we live, judging by the flyer's I'd seen I was fairly sure Alfie would love it with the promise of animals, vintage cars and tractors and fairground rides! Adi walked with Alfie and I copped out and drove ( it was raining at the time), bizarrely Adi was let in a side gate and didn't have to pay entry but I had to pay a tenner to get in......

It was actually a really nice little afternoon out, there was a ton of farm animals there some being paraded about and others to purchase, there was little shows and a variety of foodie stalls to test food and drink so there was something for everyone. I wasn't, however overly sure why we had to pay so much to get in, if we'd had to pay the full £20 for all of us I think I would have been a bit miffed to be honest. As you can see from the pictures above Alfie was quite taken by the giant veg....... haha. Other than the cost it was a nice few hours. 

Monday brought illness to the house (once again) meaning everyone has had quite disruptive nights. Elarna has been up a few times in the night over the last couple of nights, I think teeth as she's had alot of the signs. Hopefully we're over the worst of it now but I guess time will tell. 

On Thursday I popped into town to the French market that was on, it was a complete waste of time to be honest - I would hardly call it a French market! More like a handful of stalls selling french items? Bizarre, but in the end had a chilled couple of hours wandering the shops with Elarna and my parents, well it was chilled until Elarna decided that she definitely didn't want to nap and ended up been horrendously grumpy. I was 'that' Mum with the grizzly, screechy child that needed to be manhandled back into her pram - you know the moment you can feel the stares from passers by as your child turns into a rigid starfish - you get the picture. Surprise, surprise she then fell asleep as I was driving home, which takes less than 10 minutes!

I also just found out that I've been offered a place on my masters - scary stuff, not sure whether I'm fully decided as it is a huge lot of work to do.......

So this is my week, how has yours been?


  1. Ace to the week of wine but poo to the illness and grumps. Hope you all get better. Amazing news on the masters hun! xx #thefridaylinky

  2. Sorry to hear you haven't been well,glass of wine puts everything right yeh Thanks for linking to the #that FRIDAY LINKY please come back next week

  3. Sorry to hear you've been poorly! But congrats on the masters - every cloud hey?! #pocolo

  4. Sharing wine is never a good thing but amazing news about the masters, congratulations! #bathingbunniescomp

  5. Sounds like a funny old week! Hope the illnesses have disappeared and that you can keep your wine to yourself this week! Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  6. Oh I hope everyone is feeling better by now. I would LOVE to have a log fire at this time of year! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky xx

  7. Ahh the rigid starfish, I know it so well! I hope everyone is feeling better now. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  8. Good news about being accepted on the Masters xx #bathingbunniescomp


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