Tuesday, 25 October 2016

A New Baby Doesn't have to Break the Bank.

A New Baby Doesn't Have To Break the Bank

There's nothing worth celebrating more than the addition of a new baby to the family, but it's definitely worth remembering that an increasing family will also need an increase in spending. New parents may be baffled with how you can make your money go further so here are a few easy to follow tips:

Home Made Baby Food

It is remarkably cheap and easy to make baby food at home instead of spending money on expensive jars, it's healthier too. It really is as simple as blending fresh fruit and vegetables. This is not only a great way to save money but also to ensure that your baby is enjoying fresh ingredients, particularly if you grow your own.

Designer Baby Clothes

It might be tempting to splash out on an expensive outfit for those special occasions but there is absolutely no need to pay big bucks for the entire wardrobe. Okay, so it can be very tempting to buy the latest fashions from the latest baby boutique down the mall but it really isn't necessary. If you really want to save money you could not only avoid designer boutiques but avoid buying new clothes altogether. Babies grow so quickly that their clothes are rarely worn more than a few times, so why not think about dressing your baby in used clothes. If you don't fancy buying these from garage sales why not speak to friends and family members who may have some clothes which their own children have outgrown.

Don't Buy The Whole Toy Store

Babies outgrow their clothes very quickly and the same can be said for their toys. They may not outgrow these physically but they will certainly move on mentally very quickly. Babies soon get bored of their toys so there's no need to buy every baby toy on the market. Choose a few nice toys to keep baby happy until they grow older, you can also borrow toys from family members and friends.

Cheaper Isn't Always Better

In many things you get what you pay for and although it may be acceptable to opt for the cheaper options occasionally, there are other things for which it is certainly better to spend a little more. Don't be tempted to buy the cheapest diapers for example. You are going to need a lot of them and it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest but these may also be less effective and need to be replaced more regularly than the more expensive sturdier brands. In many things, you get what you pay for and although it may be acceptable to opt for the cheaper options occasionally, there are other things for which it is certainly better to spend a little more. 

Strollers for example are an area you don't want to skimp heavily on, a few of their recent reports show that expensive strollers have more useful features than cheaper ones. And that is before we question matters like durability and longevity. Another area you might not want to go too cheap on is diapers. You are going to need a lot of them and it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest but these may also be less effective and need to be replaced more regularly than the more expensive sturdier brands. Lastly, some very cheap items could be made of harmful materials or coarse fabrics which could cause health problems for your baby. Check reviews very carefully to see if anyone has experienced issues with the product.

Get Free Baby Samples

There are many websites out there that offer free baby samples, most things that include free nappies, free baby formula and a lot more. Sites include FreeStuff Baby which is a fantastic site full of free baby stuff. 

* Collaborative Post.

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