Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Elarna at 15 Months

What has Elarna been up to since her last update I hear you ask! Well this little button has been busy growing, finding her feet and her voice! 

I feel like since turning one she has developed from baby into proper toddler......although in my eyes she's still my baby. She is into EVERYTHING. Mostly the cupboards and anything that she can destroy mainly. She is a speedy little thing and loves to march around with purpose but does have to be careful at times as her feet run away with her and she ends up toppling over......we've had several bumpy incidents and a couple of bloody noses due to her faceplanting, poor love. She's quite excitable and can't control her feet!

She continues to absolutely idolise Alfie (most of the time), anything that Alfie is doing she is interested in and wants to watch him or join in. While we were on holiday and most recently at Alfie's pre-school leaving party she just wanted to join in with the big boys and girls and threw some amazing diva strops when I wouldn't let her (I'm not mean but I just couldn't let her get in a bouncy castle with 10 kids bouncing about, ha!). Alfie still finds her difficult to deal with at times, he's much more caring towards her now but at times is still so rough with her.....she's going to be very robust when at school. Bear hugging her is one of his favourite things to do, I just don't think he realises that she's much littler than him so sometimes we do have to tell him off but most of the time he is great with her. 

She is fiercely independent, this has taken me by surprise! She wants to feed herself with a spoon, and is actually pretty good, she likes to walk by herself, shakes her head vigorously when she doesn't want something or isn't happy, wants to drink out of a beaker and generally once shown how to do something will try and do it herself. When Alfie was her age he was relatively independent but not to this degree, he was a bit more reliant on us doing things for him and giving him confidence so seeing her this independent is both fascinating to see and sad for me as she growing up too fast.

She is the happiest and smiliest little girl but I tell people not to be deceived by this as beyond the cute and sweet exterior lies a very defiant little diva. This girl can strop. Her little princess moments are hilarious, if she isn't happy about something we certainly know about it. Her strops are like no other! She is loud and very dramatic, sometimes it's hilarious, other times it's just hard work! Although as quick as she starts stropping she can get herself out of them pretty sharpish. 

She continues to thrive and enjoy nursery, she goes twice a week and is usually shattered when home. I think she loves that the room she is in now offers alot of free flow so she can head into the garden if she wants or stay in the room and play. At home she still has 2 decent naps a day, usually around 10am for an hour or so and then perhaps about 2pm for 90 mins, again, very different to Alfie who dropped his naps quite young, he was about 18 months. At nursery she tends to just have the one nap lasting over 90 minutes but for the moment I try and keep the 2 a day when we're at home. I'm not too precious about it however and if she doesn't have one until lunchtime then it's not a huge issue. 

She's at that age where she is really enjoying her food, we are exposing her to loads of flavours and textures and she loves trying new things. She eats brilliantly. She continues to fit into to some 6-9/9-12 clothes and 12-18 do fit well other than dresses being a little long. She was never going to be blessed in the height department, same as Alfie because myself and Adi are not very tall. She's got the cutest little short legs, they may be short but they take her far.

Sleep at the moment is a little bit odd. She sleeps well when settled but recently when we put her in her cot at bedtime she's really unsettled. Now this might be because it's been super hot and stuffy but I wonder if it might be a bit of a developmental leap as it seems to have started quite quickly. Adi thinks that she has become a little wise to the fact that if she starts screaming we will head into her room and give her attention. After a couple of nights of this we realised we were basically giving her what she wanted and opted for a little bit of controlled crying which was always the best method with Alfie. It's not something I hugely like to do but if it works then I am more than happy to do it. 

I just adore these 2 pictures of her in the swings - it completely captures her cheeky, happy persona. She was giggling her head off at this time too, it was utterly cute. Those cheeks and that smile, ohhhhh I always just want to squish her. 

She is a complete loon at times, she loves to charge about the house and laughs her head off, especially when Alfie joins in, this photo below captures her running towards me, hence the blurry feet! Full of happiness and laughter, it's just something that I want to bottle up and keep forever. She looks sooo grown up now! Thanks for the dress Sarah Run Jump Scrap by the way it's gorgeous.

She is babbling so much at the moment, I probably sound like a right weirdo but I almost have conversations with her on a daily basis, we communicate through babble and I can almost get what she is trying to get at or want. There is some definite words starting to form, we definitely have cracked 'hiya' and nearly 'hello' and mama and dada are already well defined in her vocabulary. We are also fairly sure she refers to Alfie as 'bro' as when she says what we think is bro she either points to him or goes to find him, it's very cute. 

I never thought it possible to have so much love for these 2 little monkeys in my life. I l really like this age, yes she's all over the place and I rarely sit down (other than when they are in bed) but oh she's alot of fun to be around and seeing her little personality really shine through is fantastic. I'm wondering what we have in store over the next couple of months. 

Best of Worst


  1. What a happy little babe! Love the two of them together, so cute. Sleep is always a toughie with so many leaps in the first 2 years! #bestandworst

  2. What a gorgeous and happy little girl. My daughter was fiercely independent at her age and I definitely attribute that to trying to keep up to her big brother. Fun and crazy times. #bestandworst

  3. She's gorgeous Helen! Looks a real little cheeky chops! Gorgeous photos too #bestandworst

  4. She looks like such a happy baby or may I say toddler now? Lovely post and I love her swimming costume in the last pics #bestandworst

  5. She sounds so like our LM, we really need to get them together. Bundles of gorgeousness and sweet smiles, but underneath, diva! Lovely update xxx

  6. Aw she is such a smiley little cutie pie! You've captured some gorgeous pics lovely. I really like the ones of her with her big brother, and the one with the "blurry feet" as I can just imagine her little legs whizzing as she tries to run to you. Gorgeous update. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst xx

  7. Oh she is just the cutest and she looks and sounds like the busiest little person! They really do get into anything don't they?! #Bestandworst

  8. Gorgeous!! I love the washing machine photo! She's a beauty! #bestandworst xx

  9. What a cutie! You have some gorgeous pictures of her. They grow and change so quickly. It's lovely to record all these precious memories to look back on :)
    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst
    x Alice

  10. How beautiful:) Its great that you track her progress so well. The love for our kids is massive and it really shows through in your post:)



  11. What a lovely update! Its always the adorable ones that end up having the super strops though isn't it! Its lovely that she wants to be with Alfie all the time, hopefully as she gets even older he will really enjoy having a play mate too #bestandworst

  12. Ah they are so cute together. What a perfect little family you have. #Best&Worst

  13. Ahhh what a little beauty Elarna is!! My middle son Noah is 15 months too (I just wrote his update last week so its nice to read another childs and relate!) and this age IS just the best. They're independent enough that they're totally enjoyable and fun, but also baby enough to love their cuddles and be just so stinking cute with their little words and waddle! Adorable! #BestandWorst

  14. Ah she is just so adorable, and I love how she is so independent already. I know it makes it harder to parent her but I think it's good they are strong willed for the future xx #BestandWorst

  15. She is absolutely adorable. I love when parents do blog posts about their children's updates. Elarna seems to be doing fabulously and all the photos of her are wayyyy too cute...she certainly loves a photo opportunity! #BestAndWorst

  16. Its amazing how early they start to turn into these little people, with their own personalities. Great pics. #bestandworst

  17. You could just eat her especially in that dress!! hehe. I love how she is so independent and stroppy but it sounds like in a really good way! I'm hoping girly number 2 is a bit more...the gremlin is a bit but likes us around a LOT!! xx #bestandworst

  18. She has got such an amazing smile!! I love that she wanted to join in on the bouncy castle, despite obvious dangers of a lot of bigger children, L won't go near them unless they are empty and he's older. Such a wuss my boy ;-) #bestandworst

  19. Fab update and she absolutely adorable on the swing great post thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  20. She is so cute. I find that the more indepentant kids are the bigger the strops and tantrums. I think it's great to have girls grow up firece and independant. Look out world Elarna is coming for you!

  21. Loved all the pics in this post:) Toddlerhood is such a fun period of their growing up - yes, I did say that, despite the terrible Twos and Threenager tantrums. I especially love when they start talking - the gems that come out of their mouths are indeed priceless! Enjoy this stage...

  22. Awe she is divine, she must just fill you with such joy! I love all the cute pics. Mine were all into making a huge mess at that age and pulling everything out of the cupboard. brings back memories. Make s me want another baby girl, but don't tell hubby lol #bestandworst

  23. Aww she is so gorgeous! Such a smiley little thing. Love her diva strops, just imagine what she's going to be like as a teenager!! #bestandworst

  24. Aw, such a cute bond between the siblings and such a happy child X #bestandworst

  25. She is such a sweetheart! I remember this age very well as it seems to be when they really start to come into their own and develop personality and interests. It sounds like she is doing great!#bestandworst

  26. What a loely happy, smiley baby girl you have! It's wonderful to see their own little personalities developing isn't it? Gorgeous photos, especially with her big brother. #BestandWorst

  27. Aww she's so smiley, this is a lovely update. Sounds like she absolutely adores her big brother Alfie. I love it when kids start learning to talk, it's amazing how as parents we can understand their babble!xx #bestandworst

  28. Aw what a little love! Absolutely gorgeous pictures! #bestandworst

  29. I found myself thinking my daughter does that too throughout your post. #bestandworst

  30. What a little cutie pie! She's absolutely gorgeous x #bestandworst

  31. She's such a cutie! It was almost like describing my little one in some parts she also idolizes her brother and if independant, which I never thought would be the case. It sounds like she's coming on leaps and bounds, I remember readin an update or hers last year and it's amazing how much they change! x

  32. Aw bless her - she's getting so grown up! My youngest is really independent & has always wanted to feed herself, etc, too. Though weirdly she is also very clingy! #bestandworst


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