Tuesday, 22 March 2016

A & E's Easter Baskets.

I have always wanted to create an Easter basket but each year there is either already too many eggs already in the house, I'm ill, pregnant or I've never quite being organised enough to do it. This year I was determined to be a bit more on the ball and create some little Easter memories. The baskets are now complete but I have to admit I haven't been that organised and I pretty much bought everything last weekend (thanks Milton Keynes!). I probably could have amalgamated them all into one basket (I seem to have bought THE deepest baskets in the world but for £5.99 on sale I wasn't quibbling) so I've sort of padded the bottoms out with a variety of crepe and shredded paper which you can just see in some of the pictures. I did have alot of fun choosing what to put in them and I think there is a lovely variety of items. Elarna at 11 months is unlikely to be bothered by it all but Alfie is pretty excited for the Easter bunny!

I wanted to choose a mixture of items, I didn't want to put masses of chocolate or eggs in either basket, I wanted to fill it with other things than chocolate because I expect that they will be getting a fair amount from family. I have bought Alfie a couple of eggs (I'm not that mean, ha!) but there isn't that much in the baskets themselves. I'll just list the items and where they are from, all are pretty self explanatory!

Carrot Pen (I love this!)

Elarna's basket I found a little more tricky as I wasn't too sure what to include with her only been little so I went with practicality and cuteness!

Floral Pyjamas (these are gorgeous!)

I had alot of fun putting these together and I hope they go down well over the weekend! I hope to do this every year, I think it's a lovely thing to do and I haven't spent a huge amount of money on the items either, perhaps around £60 in total all in. 

On Sunday we will also be doing an egg hunt, this went down extremely well with Alfie last year and we had to keep hiding eggs over and over again so I've made sure I've got plenty small eggs to hide.....I have to admit I love it, seeing the excitement on his face will be priceless.

Has anyone else done an Easter basket? What do you plan on doing over the long weekend?

Best of Worst


  1. Aww I'm going to do something similar this year! So lovely for them :-) I bet Alfie will be so excited! We doing an egg hunt too! Have a fab Easter xx

  2. This looks like a lovely Easter basket. I have one of those cadbruys bunnies for the girls too! #bestandworst

  3. These look beautiful! Such a lovely idea. I really like the idea of giving carrot seeds as something a little different. The little jellycat duck is so cute too!

    Thanks for hosting xx

  4. Aww these are cute and wow you are organised! I think we are mean parents as our kids don't really get anything from us, they have so many aunts, uncles and grandparents giving them chocolate they don't need more from us at this age. We will have a little easter hunt for some tiny eggs and chicks in the garden and will make some easter nests as that is one of our little traditions. Your baskets are lovely though! Xx

  5. These look great, I love the variety of items. Hope you have a great weekend, we will just be relaxing, going swimming and on some walks x #bestandworst

  6. The Easter baskets are so cute! I remember being so excited to get one when I was a kid - mostly for the chocolate! My daughter is only 9 months old so probably too young to appreciate it this year, but I'll definitely be making her one next year. #bestandworst

  7. what a really thoughtful easter gift! I think you've done amazing well and they look stunning! Easter egg hunts are on our list of activities for this weekend aswell. Easter bonnets are made and are in my post this week. They were dropped off at my mums for their coffee morning today. I've just got to hope that the easter eggs my boys eat can be rationed slightly to prevent the upset tummy that I remember so well from my childhood....or maybe thats one of the things that easters about!:)

    mainy - myrealfairy


  8. We do an Easter basket every year. A mix of some candy that we will end up eating most of once she goes to bed and a few small toys. I'm not sure how long she is going to believe this bunny business, but its fun seeing how excited she is

  9. These look so fabulous! And such a good idea, I saw a similar post this week, and now think these are a lovely way to go! We did an egg hunt last year with the eldest, and will do one again this year with both of them! But I'm going to only use miniature eggs, like you, I don't want heaps of chocolate flying about!!
    I hope your children love these, I'm sure they will! Have a great time!

  10. These are so beautiful. I'm using the excuse of being 8 months pregnant and my little one's birthday party falling this weekend as a reason for my utter lack of Easter prep. We are managing to sneak in an easter egg hunt in the party so that will be my nod to it this year ;-) Next year I'll definitely be following your lead, these really are so so lovely #bestandworst

  11. That looks lovely and I hope they really enjoy it :) Happy Easter!

  12. We have an egg hunt, and I've bought non edible things to hide as like you I know they will get loads of chocolate from family! I have Easter bowls which I made for them a few years back which I fill with little eggs for them to pick at. Via #bestandworst

  13. I love that you used a basket that can then be reused someplace else in the house! Brilliant idea. I haven't even bought a single easter basket item and here it is mid week already. It is also my youngest and mines birthdays on Sunday as well which I have not bought a single item for either. But the good news is I am headed into the city on Friday where there will be much more stuff to choose from rather than trying to salvage through what is left in this tiny town of mine. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you for hostessing #bestandworst.

  14. Oh my goodness what a gorgeous basket of goodies. I want to floral pyjamas just for me. I think you've found your calling in easter basket making.

    Enjoy your egg hunting this year and Happy Easter x Renee @peonieandme #bestandworst

  15. They look fab!! I might have to borrow your idea & get some new books & seeds for them. I've never thought of doing an Easter basket, I'm super disorganised but maybe next year!! 😊 #bestandworst

  16. They look amazing baskets can't wait to do egg hunt with girls as long as I win and eat all the chocolate thanks for hosting best and worst

  17. They look lovely, and I like the variety :-) Hope you have a lovely Easter and enjoy the Easter Egg hunt, it sounds like it'll be a success xx #bestandworst

  18. Wow you've really been to town! I won't be buying ours that much, but I'll definitely be looking for non-chocolate items! #bestandworst

  19. My mother in law is making an easter basket with my little boy over easter which will be nice. It is a shame the weather isn't going to be brilliant, but we are still planning lots of trips out and about with lots of family #bestandworst

  20. I've never thought of doing that for Easter - nice idea. We always do an egg hunt - we ask for little foil wrapped chocolate bunnies, chicks and eggs from the grandparents, buy some ourselves as well of course, then they find them all - Jet is not great at finding things but Stella will be able to help him this year - then we let them have a couple of bits of chocolate for their afternoon snack every day until it is all gone - I feel they are too small for lots of chocolate just yet. If only I could exercise the same restraint for my own chocolate consumption!
    x Alice

  21. I've never done an Easter basket but have always bought my children books or dvds in addition to the chocolate eggs. This year old also bought some Easter crafts for over the half term holidays. #binkylinky lifeinthemumslane

  22. Lovely idea! I always think about doing one of these for my son but then never get round to it, before I know it Easter is here and I'm making a last minute dash to tesco for eggs! I love those malteser bunnies, my favourite :) #bestandworst

  23. Aww these are lovely! The sort of thing I would never be organised enough to do! I manage my Christmas boxes, but Christmas is a much bigger thing for me. I do like Easter, but never seem to get very organised for it! #bestandworst

  24. Fab! I love the idea of seeds! I've not been v organised at all this year but plan to do a basket next year as I've seen so many inspiring ideas like yours :-D #bestandworst

  25. Some lovely gifts in this basket! The seeds is a fab idea! We had a lovely Easter, I hope you did too. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  26. Fab Easter baskets looked like fun to make Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  27. Never really celebrated Easter that much but now the little one is 3 and seems to do a lot at nursery this year I couldn't avoid the Bonnets and Egg Hunts! Next year I'm going all out with a basket, tree and pressies instead of just choccy! Great idea #bestandworst


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