Monday, 27 July 2015

The Mummy Moments.

Today's post is a simple one. It's all about those beautiful Mummy moments. The moments that squeeze your heart, make your ovaries twitch and tears prick your eyes. 

These children of ours are the most precious things. We created them, I'm amazed by this every single day. We love them like we didn't know we could possibly love, these tiny, little extensions of ourselves. Little fingers and little toes, miniature people bursting with massive amounts of personality and creativity. 

We nurture them, we kiss their bumps and scrapes better, we snuggle them when they're poorly, we loose our temper when we get frustrated with them, we laugh at the crazy things they do and we cover our mouths when they say something inappropriate.

Sometimes it is just the little things that make those special 'mummy moments'. The grip of little fingers tightly squeezing mine, the kiss on my head before bed or just saying love you makes my day. 

As I write this I'm watching one baby sleep on the monitor and listening to one play in his room. It's a rare moment, I'm sitting alone, with a cuppa for company in the kitchen listening to the tap dripping and sounds of outside. There is no crying, screaming or wailing (at the moment!) and it kind of feels weird. These moments very rarely happen and I'm savouring it, even though it kind of feels a bit odd! I've become used to noise (alot of it) during the day, I've become used to the shouting, squealing and wailing so to sit downstairs and have a very small amount of peace is odd! It's allowing me a rare moment of reflection, I have alot on my mind at the moment and this time is allowing me to collect my thoughts somewhat. I'm thinking about how my life has changed over the last three years, I'm thinking about just how fortunate I am, I'm thinking about how life is going to change in the next three years.

I hope to give you both the best start in life I really do, I'm just muddling through so who knows if I'm getting it right so please bare with me. I love you with all my heart and even though I've more wrinkles than ever before and I see the odd grey hair appearing (ergh) I wouldn't change it for the world.

Parenting, the most varied and wonderful job in the world and these are my mummy moments, what are yours?

Best of Worst



  1. Aww - lovely post! I love the grip of tiny fingers too! #mummymonday

  2. Ah this is so true!!! And enjoy those rare moments when you get a cuppa by yourself, mine seems to see the noise of the kettle as a mummy alarm..." oh I can hear the kettle boil....Mummyyyyyyyyyy play with me" #mummymonday

  3. awww heart has melted as usual! Such a cute post. They are so worth it. I had a fun trip to town with the gremlin but she just told me she loved me! ahhhhh xxx #maternitymondays #mummymondays

    1. Haha ahh thanks hun. They are worth it even though I've got more wrinkles than ever! x

  4. Brilliant mummy moments. Mine would be when they are ill....obv I hate them being sick but they just want love and they give so much love and affection back :) enjoy those mummy moments xx

  5. Lovely post! Just hearing a little voice calling me "mumma" still gives me a thrill -- even if it's now about 400 times a day (mumma! where's my ...? mumma! can I have a ...?) #mummymondays

  6. Love this, great reminder to savour the precious moments. #mummymondays

  7. This is such a lovely post. The photo is very sweet x #MaternityMonday

  8. Those moments really are precious. It can be stressful having children (and don't I know it), but every now and then you're reminded of how wonderful they are and how you wouldn't want to change a thing. Hopefully, anyway. #bestandworst

    1. They are aren't they, I agree with your comment and wouldn't want to change anything X

  9. Its the small things, those little moments, that make it all worthwhile x #bestandworst

  10. So lovely!I love their little toes too.I think we all muddle through hoping what we're doing is right!Oh and I'm finding grey hairs too,sob x #bestandworst

  11. Thus is such a lovely post. My hubby has taken our son for a walk with the dog ( he loves being outside) so our daughter has sole access to the toys (without having them yanked off of her) so I am having a rare moment of peace and tranquility too. Definately doesn't happen here often let me tell you!

    1. Ahh how lovely of your husband, mine sometimes take Alfie out leaving me just to have girly time with Elarna which is fab. X

  12. This is beautiful! It's the small things that make us stop and realise just how lucky we are to have these gorgeous creatures in our lives #bestandworst xx

  13. Ahhh I hear ya! I find however these small moments that are so special make me feel so much guilt for shouting an hour before or make me recommit to give them more attention instead of instagramming! haha Its a wonderful thing to have kiddos even if they do drive you mad x #bestandworst

    1. This is the same as me! I shout, I feel guilty, then we cuddle and it starts all over again X

  14. The little hand in yours is one I'll never get tired off. And when she turns to me and say out of the blue, I do love you mummy, SOOOOOO much, I just melt. #bestandworst


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