Monday, 13 July 2015

Elarna Birth & Beyond - Update #3

  Elarna update 7 - 12 Weeks.
I am so behind on my 'birth & beyond updates', I have had the post in my drafts for ages but never got around to writing it! So here we are 12 weeks down the road with my little Princess. The last post you can read here which was the 4 - 6 week update, I've just been so busy over the last few weeks that it just slipped my mind to write the latest post.

As you can see from the pictures she is changing so much, she's a little chunk now! I haven't had the chance to have her weighed for a while so I'm not sure how much she weighs but judging by clothes sizes she fits comfortably in 0-3 months now, I think we've still got a little bit of time before she out grows them, I'll be so sad when she starts going into 3-6 months as I feel I will have said goodbye to my little newborn!

She is such a smiley baby, she gives the most beautiful grins every day which I love. When Alfie was a baby, and still today he's quite a solemn child and I have to really work hard to make him smile but Elarna is quite different. 

Alfie continues to be a great big brother, he helps bring me nappies and wipes and I quite often find him putting her dummy in or pushing her in her swing. He also likes to give her a kiss goodnight before bed *heart melts*. There is still occasional times of jealousy if I'm with Elarna, or more so my husband but it's not not very often and I think it's still perfectly normal. We just make sure that we give him lots of attention and keep him busy.

She is sleeping well, during our holiday we had a several nights where she would sleep through the night which was amazing! Since we've returned I've moved her into her cot, while we were away she slept in a travel cot and I think she preferred it as she could stretch out and wasn't so cramped.  I didn't feel ready to move her out of our room if I'm honest but realistically there was no way she would fit back in her moses basket comfortably. She's been a little more unsettled since we've returned but generally if I pop her dummy in she will drift back off again. She barely sleeps during the day to be fair so she must be knackered by the time bedtime rolls around! 

When I wrote her 6 week update you may remember that the Dr found that Elarna did still have a heart murmur. We were sent to see the Paediatrician for a scan and a check up and it was discovered that she actually has a couple of very small holes in her heart. We were assured that these should hopefully close up with time but she will be seen again in clinic in 3 months time for another scan and check up. I'm sure she will be fine and in herself she seems to be absolutely thriving which is a positive sign that things are ok. 

We have a little routine established now which makes the day more manageable. She is taking roughly 6 ounces of milk every 3 hours or so. As said above she doesn't sleep much at all during the day, she just cat naps rather than having long naps which can make it difficult to manage her and Alfie together buy we make it work! I try to get her bathed and in bed by 7pm so we can then get Alfie to bed. It is still a challenge to manage 2 children but I'm getting there!

Elarna will have her second lot of jabs this week and then I guess after that I will be thinking about weaning her which is a scary thought! I weaned Alfie quite early (16 weeks) after getting some advice as he was such a hungry baby but with Elarna I hope to hold out to the recommended 6 months before I start, I don't want to rush it. 

As always I am trying to treasure every second, I may not ever have a newborn baby again so every minute spent with her I love. 




  1. aww these images are beyond cute bless them both!

  2. How is it possible that you look so amazing so soon after giving birth? You and your baby are very beautiful, the blog's title is very apt! <3

    1. You can only see my face and not the rest of my body haha, trust me not so amazing! Thanks for the lovely comment though :-) x

  3. Aww she's adorable. I've done none. Thought I might as well wait until 6 months now oops ha ha. I love your photos just to make me smile because she's so cute xx

  4. She is such a smiley cutie! None of my four slept well until well into their second year, so your are doing well!

    1. She is very smiley, I love walking into her room in the morning to be greeted by a big grin X

  5. aww, brings back so much memories of my own little princess when she was just born (she's a toddler now). :) #twinklytuesday

  6. Aw she's such a cutie! I hope her heart closes up by itself - how scary! #TwinklyTuesday x

    1. So do I, we have to wait till September to find out but hopefully she will be ok, X

  7. She's so adorable, I love that little smile. I love the photo with her big brother too. Good luck with the weaning x

    1. Thankyou Anne, not weaning for a little while, I'm praying time slows down somewhat! x

  8. What a lovely smiley girl you have. Lovely pictures.

  9. aaahhh little cuties. wish my 2 were still tiny hehe x

  10. She looks like such a little chunk bless her! Glad she is doing so well and she is so cute! xx #twinklytuesday

    1. She is hehe, although she does weigh a similar amount to what Alfie did at her age! Her cheeks are something else aren't they :-) x

  11. Helen I can't believe how big Alfie is now and Elarna is a little darling! I am so glad to hear everything is going well and I hope everything goes well with her check up!

    You have a gorgeous family and I am so pleased that you are so happy! xx

  12. Aww how adorable, such wonderful photographs and what great memories too. Will be so lovely to look back on these posts :)

    1. I know Charly, trouble is it feels like I was only just announcing my pregnancy and here we are nearly 4 months into her little life! x

  13. Love that princess outfit, she is so adorable! Gorgeous kiddies and a very pretty Mumma too x

  14. Aww, those smiling pictures are gorgeous!! Glad to hear you're taking the time to enjoy it all x

  15. She is such a cutie and I am not surprised you haven't had time to do a post. I didn't get myself dressed most days!

    1. Ahh thanks Jen, time is something that is very precious these days! x

  16. Aww she is so adorable! Lovely photos hun x

  17. Aw she is absolutely adorable, that little smile is too cute x

    1. She is a smiley little thing, it will get her out of trouble when she is older I think! x

  18. Elarna is such a beautiful name and obviously suits her perfectly. Lovely set of photos and i love the mile stone cards! x

  19. It is scary how fast they grow. Glad you have started a routine. I played weaning by ear, they are all very different and I just think you know when they are ready

    1. I really do believe in having a strong routine, I think she was ready for one to be honest and I just followed her lead X

  20. Aww what a gorgeous post - she is such a cutie and that smile! x

  21. What a happy little one. So glad Alfie is generous with the kisses! Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

    1. Indeed, more so with Elarna than with Mummy though! x


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