Monday, 20 July 2015

Enter the Threenager!

No pictures Mummy. No smile. No cheese. No, no, NO pictures Mummmyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Forgive my naivety but when Alfie turned three I kind of thought that the wonderful 'terrible two's' were behind us. We've been battling the tantrums, tears and strops since about 16 months and were looking forward to some less turbulent times. I mean of course the terrible twos were going to stop as soon as he had his third birthday, yes?



It would appear that we have entered a whole new territory. In replace of the stroppy two year old we have an opinionated, stubborn, outspoken little monster that has his feet firmly rooted to the floor and he knows exactly, what, he, wants and he will not give up on it without a fight. In other words, at times, he's just a little sh*t.

Of course he has his lovely moments, the moments that put a smile on my face and make me proud. For example, at times he's more than willing to give affection, he will sit and read with me and play with his toys and most of the time will hold our hands and give cuddles (if it's on his terms). However, as soon as these moments happen the 'threenager' can emerge and the wailing and stropping start! Oh how it's SUCH a complicated life being a three year old boy!

During our 'threenager' experience so far I can't say it's the most pleasant of times! More often than not during the day the most common phrases that are now frequenting our household are:

'Mummy, I CAN'T do it'

'I DON'T like it, no, I don't LIKE it'

'I WON'T do it, Daddy/Mummy do it'

'Nooooooo way!!!!!'



Wow! These new phrases are something else. The annoying thing is he's perfectly capable of doing the things that he's now saying he can't and he likes the things that he apparently now doesn't like! During our holiday we had several occasions of 'I don't like (French) ham' and I don't like (French) pizzas and I don't like (French) juice!! All completely irrational since ham is ham, pizzas are pizzas and juice is juice!! The battle we had to get him to realise this was met with futile resistance! Oh the joys.

Then there is the wailing/whinging combo which builds into a crescendo, he's almost like one of those old whistling kettles that reaches boiling point and BOOM the 'threenager' is in da house.

Each year of childhood holds its own challenges and milestones, I suppose the good thing about this stage is that Alfie can be bribed reasoned with more so now than before, again this is on his terms and doesn't always work. There can be alot of resistance still with him but the promise that something good will happen if he behaves or does what we ask definitely helps with the strops and stubbornness. Perhaps not the best parenting tactics but if the promise of watching a few minutes of Thomas on the TV in exchange for him to get dressed or put his shoes on then I'm going with that! 

So what does the next year have in store for us, more strops, tantrums and tears? Is the fearsome four age something that also exists ?



Best of Worst


  1. Oh yes I have a threenager!!! I can really relate to this post. Shes nearly 4 so hoping it will soon pass. #maternitymondays

    1. Oh I hope so, I fear we are only just scratching the surface of his attitude too, arghh what next?? Ha. Thanks for the comment X

  2. Haha! Oh dear - not hit 3 here yet so can look forward to that! I seem to recall that when I was a child on holiday in France I would pretty much only eat chicken & chips! Too much red meat in French food for me! Mind you, I would eat the pizza! It's even still called pizza! I always remember when I was about 15 we had some extended family visit us with a distant cousin of mine, who was 3. He spent the whole day running after our cat, yelling, 'Mummy I NEED a cat! I NEED one!' #mummymonday

    1. Oh you've got all that to come, ha.Love that about your cousin, sounds very similar to what Alfie is like, always demanding something! x

  3. Oh crikeys, my daughter is 2 1/2 and we are having a tough time with her at the moment, everything is " I don't like it, its YUK" arghhh really not looking forward to the threenager, when will it ever get easier? #mummymonday

    1. Yes, good luck, you have it all to come :-) Apparently it never gets easier until they are at school......whaaaattttt?! X

  4. Oh god I had it in my head that all would be over when my girl hit 3!! More to come. I think they are just independent and strong and this could be a positive thing?? We hope!! xx #mummymondays #maternitymondays

    1. Yes so did we. Deluded, clearly. I like to think it would be a positive thing? Who knows! x

  5. Ha ha, I also have an Alfie, this describes him to tee, only you forgot the slouching, the bad attitude! He's also wise beyond his years and one of the lovest boys you could ever wish to meet x

    1. Oh yes, the slouching! We also have the lying on the floor and refusing to move these days too. Fun, fun, fun! x

  6. haha oh all of those phrases are common in our house too from our litte threenager :/ and he is so much worse when he is tired or hungry and then the threenager comes out full throttle! Definitely hard work but thank goodness for the other lovely times when they are gorgeously cute and hilarious and caring, they almost make up for the tantrums! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

    1. Yes when they are 'hangry' it gets even worse! They are so unpredictable! I'm glad that it seems to be a recurring theme and it's not just Alfie X

  7. I have a 2yr old and she's starting to act the same. Oh! Not so looking forward to it...

  8. Bless him - can't believe how big he is.

    Lizzie Dripping

    1. I know, he seems to have had a growth spurt recently X

  9. Bribery is definitely a good thing! Thank goodness for Thomas the Tank on DVD or did parents in the 1950s cope?!!!

    1. Indeed. I have no idea how they coped, I asked my Mum this the other week and she said that they just never went out, anywhere! x

  10. You wait til he gets to be 13 lol! He will settle down when he starts school. My son was such a happy child when he was little, then the tenage years struck lol

    1. Oh Mel! Don't! Haha. We're a few years off but I feel we're getting a little taster now X

  11. lol that's how it goes. My 2-year-old's favourite word right now is mine & often that goes along with no! #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Brilliant isn't it, they are such little people with huge attitudes! x

  12. I have a tweenager - 12 years old! It's true that as they get older you can bribe, I mean REASON with them more!!!

  13. I love the term 'threenager' but alas, I have no advice or experience to draw on here. I hope Alfie fills your life with less tantrums and more smiles as the year goes on!

  14. Yes Yes I hear ya!!! terrible twos is a lie, it can start a lot earlier and go on for years....oh lord!! Good to share though and know we are not alone!! Enjoy the noooo's and the 'mines' Its a battle, thank goodness we love them xxx

    1. It sucks, but yet I love seeing him develop, it's amazing. They are clever little things for certain x

  15. I can totally relate to this! Noah is in the terrible twos and I have a threenager lol!! The joys haha #bestandworst xx

  16. Oh yes, I remember those days well and now I have a Fearsome Four year old. Good Luck xx

  17. Oh no, I have all this to come with my second! It's hard going, isn't it! I think it's definitely worse than the terrible twos. I haven't had 'No way!" yet though, that's a funny one ;-) Becky x #bestandworst

    1. Yup, it's knackering but he can be so lovely at times and then turn into the devil! X

  18. My threenager is nearing 4 - apparently the next stage is often known as the effing fours!! I've got a post up on the HuffPost at the moment about my threenager you might like:


    1. I read it, brilliant! Thanks for much for the comment and linking up X

  19. Funny post. We are inbetween three with all of our children right now. One younger and two older but I remember it with each of the older ones. They are realizing that they can say no and don't have to always cooperate. #bestandworst

    1. They are clever things aren't they, nothing passes Alfie in this house! Thanks for the comment X

  20. I love the term threenager! Nothing wrong with a little bribe, whatever works right :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  21. Oh I can so relate to this post. I have a threenager too. It's not easy. Mine still has up to ten tantrums a day, lasting for up to two hours. The latest tantrum was because his sister looked at him lol.

    1. Good lord, poor you. It is hard work, they don't tell you this in the manual do they, haha. X

  22. Yes, I totally agree. Three is worse than two. My friends warned me, but I wouldn't listen!
    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst
    x Alice

    1. No me either, I didn't think it was possible. But it is. Sigh. Thanks for the comment X

  23. Oh dear I thought the 'terrible twos' were bad enough, now I have this to look forward to!! My son's favourite thing to say is 'don't look at me' ha! I love his hat in the last photo :)
    Becky x

    1. Yup, sorry but I wish you the best of luck :D He is a crazy cat my son! x

  24. I can empathise! My daughter has just turned three and after seeming to get off lightly with the terrible twos, I suddenly discovered I seemed to have a stroppy little madam in my toddler's place. I'm hoping it's a phase... ;)

    1. Yes!! I mean the terrible two's weren't great in our house but since he turned three he is just such a stroppy boy at times! x

  25. Your expression in the 2nd photo made me laugh. At least he knows his own mind, right? I've found bribery can be enormously helpful if well-timed. #bestandworst

    1. Haha absolutely, he's a strong willed boy for sure. Thanks for the comment X

  26. You described age three at our house to a T. It's 6 years behind me now, but I still have the scars. Friends tell me their littles turned 3 and I start twitching! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst.

    1. Oh goodness, I fear I will have some battle wounds too! Lol, thanks for the great comment X

  27. Oh, and of course, thanks for being an always lovely participant in #TwinklyTuesday too!

  28. I loved it when my friend told me about the threenager in her house and I instantly agreed, I have one too!! It sums them up perfectly, we are always saying our daughter is 3 going on 13!! I cannot believe the attitude and the talking came out of nowhere!! She's 4 in December and I'm hoping we're through the worst of it, but wow those days are hard! #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Thankyou for the comment, it is so true though isn't it, they suddenly become this opinionated, stroppy person full of attitude! x

  29. Every age is something new and exciting like when you get a package then realize it's for the neighbor ;) thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  30. Eeek reading this I think I may have a threenager a couple of months early. Just when you think you are seeing one thing off, something else begins! Good luck! #bestandworst xx

  31. Oh NO :( I can't believe it! One of my twins has been in the terrible twos since 16 months (thankfully his brother is *slightly* more reasonable and level headed) but I was desperately hoping that this phase would pass — I can't believe it's going to be replaced by something else!! *face palm* I'm off to have a stiff gin!!! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday — hope to see you again next week! x

    Caro |

    1. Yes Alfie was an early starter for the terrible two's at around 18 months, then it fizzled off and then he got worse and now he's got the attitude and stroppiness of a thirteen year old! Thanks for the comment and hosting X

  32. Oh my - Pickle becomes a threenager next month - and his favourite word this week is 'tough!!' Fab post - Good Luck! Kaz x


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