Monday, 7 June 2021

5 Ways to Enjoy the Summer with your Kids.

{Collaborative Content} It’s at this time of the year that we all want to be able to get out and enjoy the weather so much more. During the winter months, we do still sometimes spend time outside with the kids, but it’s definitely not as fun. Instead, it’s better to try and think of indoor activities that you can do instead. But at this time of the year, it’s nice to get out and really enjoy the sunshine and the mild weather as much as we can.

When you’re a working mama, you won’t always have the time to do that in the week. But it can still be fun to try and think of ways that you can enjoy the summer with your kids in any way that you can. This can be in the afternoons and evenings, at weekends, or all week long if you are a SAHM! Here’s five ideas to inspire you.

1. Get Up Early

For starters, it’s always going to pay if you can make the most of the early mornings. If your kids are up early on the weekends anyway, why not get up and out into the garden or off to see friends or wherever and make the most of that time right away.

2. Get Out & About

Because the weather is so nice, you’ll want to try and make sure that you’re getting out and about as much as you can too. Getting the right Venicci branded products or other pushchair options is a good idea here. You want something reliable to get you all about, whether it’s in the woods or walking down the High Street!

3. Look For Good Deals

It’s easy to worry that doing more as a family will mean that you have to spend money, but you don’t have to. It doesn’t matter what your current financial situation looks like, you can look for free days out and find deals of local ideas in your area. You can also trade vouchers for tickets too. There’s always ways to be creative about days out.

4. Make Mama Friends

It’s also a nice idea to try and make friends with other mums that have kids the same age or people that you get along with. Then you can make more plans with them in the week, have play dates, and make sure that it’s a good summer for you as well as the kids.

5. Extend Every Single Day
Now, we all know that life as a parent can be hard work. No matter how rewarding it is, it’s tough. But they’re only ever small for so long. So try your hardest to make memories every single day. Spending afternoons in the garden after school. Making use of your time at the weekends – try to be creative about how you can maximize on every single day.

It doesn’t matter what you decide to do or how you decide to do it, it’s just nice for you to think about the ways that you can make the most of the summer as a family. Pick out what ideas will work best for you and enjoy that time together making memories.

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