Monday 16 September 2019

Big School for my Baby Girl.

I never thought the day would come. It barely seems 5 minutes ago since I was writing a post for Alfie when he started school and yet here I am about to wave my littlest off to reception. I remember feeling weird when Alfie started, a funny feeling in my tummy all kind of anxieties mixed with excitement for them. This time I feel a little bit sad. My 2nd born and potentially my last born is heading off into reception and I am going miss my little shadow SO much. 

Her uniform is ready and waiting, she has been SO excited to wear it! The name labels are on and the shoes are shiny and pristine, patent of course just as she wanted. The book bag is waiting to be filled with all manner of bits and bobs and there is a sense of excitement from my youngest. She's looking forward to starting, not really like Alfie who was a little nervy and reluctant, Elarna is raring to go, wanting to make friends and play......of course play as reception is all about learning through play! I am not entirely convinced she realises that school is going be a 5 day a week thing for the next few years but for the moment I will let her enjoy her reception days and the illusion that all she will do it play all day! 

I never in a million years thought that the years would speed by quite so quickly, when Alfie started school I remember thinking we have got ages before Elarna starts school, she was just a toddler and it felt such a long way enough yet here we are. I do feel weirdly sad about it, mostly because for the past 4 years I have been lucky enough to work part time and have enjoyed 2 days at home with her which is what I always wanted. She has been my little shadow, my cuddle monster, my little helper and over all my company. I am really, really going to miss having her around on my days off. I will miss that little voice 'mummy can I have a drink', 'mummy can you play with me?', 'mummy I love you!!'. I can fill the time, of course I can, I can write more, I can clean without feeling guilt of using a tablet to occupy my child, I can enjoy some trips out to the shops without having to think about packing snacks, wipes etc, I can work more and can focus on studying for up and coming courses but they still won't fill the void and I am going to miss our mummy and daughter time. So many people have said 'have a third' and although I wouldn't rule it out my husband is not really sold on the idea so I have to face facts this this is possibly, probably my last child who is now at school. 

She is going to thrive, I know it, I worry that she might be a bit of a bossy boots and may not listen but I guess we will find out! She is going to make loads of new friends which I know she is delighted about and I think she is really going to enjoy her time at school, plus her big brother is there which is a nice reassurance for us.

So this is for you my darling, work hard and enjoy your school days as much as I will miss you tons I look forward to you developing into an independent little girl. Love you Princess! 

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