Thursday, 8 June 2017

Politics Can Kiss my .......

Arse. There I said it and quite frankly I'm not ashamed to say it. I don't know about you but I am sick of politics. Yes it's important we have a democracy,  but I was so not ready to be voting again, especially after the debacle of last years Brexit vote (and for the record I was a firm remainer and still am).  Every time something like this happens it's like a headache that won't go away. I'm not political in the slightest and I don't really take an avid interest in it all, as I find it just unearths the unpleasant side of people and I find the whole thing really quite tedious. The endless campaigning, the idiotic  intellectual leaders of the parties trying to win votes with their manifestos and as cynical as I may be, I feel that it's all just a little like playground antics. The politicians spout empty promises and it seems everyone on my social media feed suddenly turns into political geniuses and cusses you if your opinion differs to theirs or you even dare suggest a differing point of view, quite frankly I find it pathetic. I very rarely get involved in political debate or reply to threads surrounding it (other than yesterday when I did have a slight discussion with an old school friend and although there was a difference of opinion it was actually a grown up discussion rather than a war of words) because I just find it turns childish and I can't be done with that. 

Flowers. Because flowers are pretty and nice to look at!

Having a discussion with my best friend yesterday it was clear we agree on a number of things but our political views have at times differed but we respect that. The one thing we did agree on is just how important it is to vote and have our say, especially since us women couldn't vote years ago. A wasted vote is a no no. 

I do just find it all so tiresome. I have sent my postal vote in, and I confess it did take me a long time to decide where to put that big black cross. I wavered alot with my vote. I knew who was getting my vote last time but this year I wasn't so sure. I feel all the manifestos this year are awash with empty promises and yet I feel people see these as dead cert and that these sweeping statements will be carried out and all will be ok in the country. Take the NHS, it's been a big part of my life, both in a professional capacity and personal and although I work in general practice now I know it's vital we try to save it in some way or another. I have seen many a post on social media thinking if they vote one way it will somehow save the NHS. It won't. We can hope though I guess. 

In the meantime....let's all play nice. Let's respect other people's opinions and be pleasant. Just think it will all be over soon!

I will remain forever hopeful as to whoever is our next Prime Minister has their head screwed on and will pull our country out of the turmoil that it is in at the moment. Well, I always like to look on the positive side of things or at least try to.

As for where my vote has gone. Well that will remain a tightly guarded secret, ha! Why? Well my blog is not about politics and it never will be but I just wanted the world to know that politics can suck my arse!



  1. Politics certainly seems to bring out the worst in some people. I do feel strongly about politics but have tried to stay respectful on social media. The whole "I'm right, you're an idiot" attitude on both sides really gets to me. Hopefully we can move forward in a positive direction. I do hope that somehow the NHS can be strengthened even if perhaps it cannot be completely saved. #WotW

  2. Politics does bring out the worst in people. I am not happy with the result but it's happened and we just have to deal with it without getting nasty.

  3. I always felt the same about politics but I have been really interested in the latest election, even to the point of reading manifestos from cover to cover! What I don't like though is the way people like to push their opinions on you, or slate your opinions if you dare to speak them. It can get very nasty indeed. #wotw

  4. My relationship to politics is very similar to yours - I don't avidly follow what's going on through the year, but when there is a vote coming up, I research the parties as best I can and make sure I cast my vote. I don't understand why people need to make politics so personal - you can have a perfectly logical, helpful debate without throwing insults around and demeaning someone else. And I think the general public does it because that's what the politicians do - they seem unable to just plug their own policies - instead they have to slander the opposition party. It's not nice at all... I'm glad it's over, but I also don't think it is over - a hung parliament is going to be tricky...

    But on a happier note, someone loved this post so much, they added it to the blogcrush linky! Feel free to collect your "I've been featured" blog badge :) #blogcrush

  5. Ahh I totally agree with you, I am so fed up with it all now. I know it's really important and we are lucky to live in a democracy but I feel like everyone has just gone a bit politics mad. I was getting really fed up of everyone arguing on Facebook so I'm glad it's over now xx #bestandworst

  6. Hi, I'm sure many like you are fed up of politics. It has caused many a debate at my work recently. I think i will stick to your lovely picture of the flowers instead #bestandworst

  7. I've always had an interest in politics, probably more so when I was younger but it's always been an interest of mine. Until recently. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of all the politicians, I'm sick of the backbiting and how divisive our nation feels at the moment. I am sick of it. So yeah, it can kiss my arse an' all. #bestandworst

  8. I know here is the US, it is getting uglier by the hour in the presidency of mr t. I see theresa did not do herself well by calling for this one. Whatever the outcome, yes, you voted! That is what is important. Here, there is so much fraud, corruption and apathy, I fear each morning news story! #blogcrush xoxo

  9. Best wishes from across the pond. It is gonna be a long few years...

  10. Haha! Well said! It is so frustrating isn't it when the politician view this as a game. It is not! There are people's lives at stake here. The days where we have the real PM & MPs who really want to help to make a difference is long gone. So sad. Democracy for you - for all of us. We can only hope that they will play their best at winning the popularity vote. #bestandworst

  11. I get so fed up with politicians making empty promises :( they spend more time arguing and trying to score points off each other than getting down to the business of looking after the country! #bestandworst

  12. Well said hun. I'm so sick of feeling almost scared to talk to anyone about politics, for fear of what they will say!! Be glad when it blows over xx #bestandworst

  13. Hear hear! The whole thing frustrates me ... You have one vote but don't prepare for one of the potential outcomes and everyone lies through their teeth ... You start the process without having an actual plan in place for what you'd like to get out of the discussions ... You then waste 6 weeks and a tonne of money on another election that leaves us in a worst state than we were before. And you wonder why everyone things politicians are rather silly. (Managed to get to the end without swearing. Well go me)

  14. Like you I don't take an interest in politics at all and agree that they act like they are in a playground. #bestandworst

  15. It's a right mess at the moment isn't it! Where do I start?! #bestandworst


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