Friday, 6 January 2017

Blogging Goals 2017.

I have been blogging for four whole years now. Unbelievable to think that I started my blog in January 2013 while I on my maternity leave with Alfie. Through this time I've worked hard at my blog using it as a place to vent, procrastinate, express my emotions and most of all document memories. At times it's hard to keep it going, I've thought about quitting in the past more so recently but I don't want to give my blog up as actually I love my little online diary, plus noone likes a quitter eh! My blog has also brought me many lovely opportunities and I've been fortunate enough to work with some really lovely companies which can make all the hard work that goes into blogging worth it. I've had lots of support and some amazing comments on many of my posts which helps with the motivation. I'm only small fry in a big ocean but it's nice to know that people read my ramblings.

Some people see blogging as a way to get freebies but it isn't simply a case of being sent something for free, far from it in fact. You have to test it out, photograph it, write about it, edit the post and promote the post. This can be very, very time consuming and with 2 small children to look after and work to fit in it can be tiring. That been said blogging is extremely rewarding and I'm looking forward to seeing what the next year has in store for my little blog. 

So I've been thinking about what I'd like to achieve on my blog in the next year. I recently wrote a post about my personal goals and aims and thought it would be good to set myself some 'bloggy' aims aswell. I want them to be achievable so they'll only be little goals but it's nice to have something to work towards and aim for.

  • Firstly and most importantly I am not going to stress if I don't write a post. I used to try to post Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday (and recently Sunday again) but lately I've found I just haven't got the time or motivation to stick to this. I'm still going to try and post as often as I can but I'm not going to beat myself up about it if I don't. 

  • Learn to say no! As lovely as it is to receive things to review I really need to start being a bit more picky and only review things that I feel are something that are my worth my time. Sounds harsh? Well no not really in the grand scheme of things I need to learn to manage my time better and saying no to things might be the way forward. 

  • Continue to build my social following. Over the last year I've been trying to build my Facebook pageInstagram and Twitter. Slowly and steadily I've built up (what I deem in my mind) to be a fairly ok following. It's not easy to get engagement on social media but I'm happy to do it gradually. My aim is to continue working on these and hope to reach over 2k likes on my Facebook page, over 7k follows on Twitter and to hit 2k follows on Instagram would be fab but I think that will take some time and dedication.

  • Make a media kit. I really need to do this .... I've been saying this for a good 2 years now *embarrassed face*. I don't get asked for one very often but I think to appear professional I probably should have something to send over!

  • Probably one of my proudest achievements to date is entering in the 'top 500' of the Tots 100 charts. It means nothing to the non bloggers out there if I'm honest but it's a chart of parenting bloggers and considering how many there are of us, to be in the top 500 is ace. It's tough to climb up the ranks and it can vary greatly monthly so my aim in 2017 is to keep within the top 500 if I can. I'm not going to get too stressed about it though, stats and figures are not something that I am overly bothered about, after all the blog is my hobby and not my job. 

  • I'm not going to lose sight of the greater picture. As I said above, my blog is a hobby and that is simply what it is. I will never let it get in the way of family time and if I want a day of not writing/promoting/replying to emails etc then so be it, far too often I spend my time with my head in my laptop on an evening but over Christmas it was so refreshing to not write anything!

  • Improve my photos. I am still your classic phone user when it comes to taking pictures, it's just so easy, I always have my phone and am snapping away on it. Recently I've started to become a bit more aware of trying to take better shots and editing then slightly more. I try not to over edit my pictures as I like them natural but just sharpening them and making then a bit brighter does help. I'm definitely going to be doing that more in the next year. 

  • I'm going to continue to participate in linkies, I dropped linking to several last year as I just couldn't commit to keeping up with the commenting but towards the back end of last year I started to link up to a few more again. I particularly like 'That Friday Linky' run by Twin Mum & Dad & DIY Daddy, 'Word of the Week' run by The Reading Residence, 'Marv Mondays' run by Back with a BumpMy Petit Canard and Hello Archie, 'My Sunday Photo' run by Photalife and most recently 'PoCoLo' run by Life at 139A and Morgans Milieu. I do link up to a few other ones here and there but these tend to be the main ones........but am always on the look out for others to link up to when I can. I also continue to co-host Best and Worst  with Sarah from RunJumpScrap which will be reaching its 2nd birthday in 2017!
Overall I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens with my blog. Opportunities present, motivation comes and goes and I'm going to write when I want to write not because I feel I have to. I think the goals I've set are fairly manageable and it'll be interesting to look back on this post later in the year to see how I'm doing. 

Have you set yourself any goals this year? What are they? Do share!


  1. Congrats on your blog birthday lovely! You know I'm a big fan of your work. All the best for the coming year, you'll smash those goals no probs #thatfridaylinky

  2. Ah can't believe it's been so long Hun that you have blogged for! Your goals sound similar to mine...def with you on the photo one too! Xx #wotw

  3. I'm just coming up to my 4th anniversary of blogging too and it's only the last 12 months I've pushed to make it successful. I've got lots of the same goals as you, wishing you luck and success in 2017. #WotW

  4. Wishing you the best of luck!
    I think we put so much pressure on ourselves as bloggers....It sounds like you have some great plans.
    I made a media kit thingy last week using Canva and it was quite easy. hehehe #WotW

  5. Happy New Year! They sound like pretty good goals. I admit I've not set any for myself, either personally or blogging wise. I'm just going with the flow.

  6. Great goals and it sounds like after four years you're striking a good balance on working on the blog whilst not letting it cause you stress or taking over. Best of luck with them all and thanks for the mention! x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  7. Well don entering the top 500 of TOTS! I recently asked Helen from Ellie illustrates to put together a media kit for me and I'm so glad I did. When I get asked for my stats, I just send them the link to download it! So much easier than having to write all my stats out! Good luck with your resolutions. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  8. It's lovely to read your blogging goals and can certainly understand just going with the flow. #ThatFridayLinky

  9. Wow, 4 years is a looong time! Well done for sticking with it! Looking forward to seeing you dotted around those linkys :) #wotw

  10. What a great list of goals, especially the not being bothered if you don't write a post on a particular day, we all need time to actually have life away from the laptop if we're going to have anything to write about. Best of luck in the year ahead, I'm sure you'll smash it x

  11. Great to have goals and agree with choosing what suits you when it comes to reviewing, they say nothing comes for free and you have to weigh it all up. Good luck for the new year X #wotw

  12. Good luck with the social media part. Its what im working on as well and its very easy to take on too much and get burnt out. Im going to stick to Twitter and Pintrest for a bit until those get "settled in"

  13. Good luck with the social media. Its what i'm working on growing as well and am finding that its very easy to take on too many different sites at once and get worn out. I'm going to stick to just 2 for now until I get better at it.

  14. Congrats on 4 years of blogging and a huge congrats on making the top 500! So impressive. My blogging goals are to build more social media presence and participate more in linkups. I'd love to find one to guest co-host even. Good luck and I wish you continued success!

  15. Ah happy blog birthday, wow 4 years, I reach 3 years in Feb and cant believe it! But I just love it, although lately I too have only posted when I want to add something and not for the sake of it. I have also worked on my photography this year starting out with a new camera and course and have totally fallen in love with it, so aim to spend a little time in Manchester this year raking some street photos x

  16. Congrats on four years of blogging I'm really picky about what review as sometimes it's not worth the bother. Totally with you on that one good luck for 2017 thanks for the linky mention I love yours and Sarah's LINKY too it's the only one Do nowadays Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  17. I love the mug. I'm trying to grow my Instagram following this year!

  18. Congrats on your blog birthday! We started ours at the same time only you kept yours up! I'm glad I came back to it though. No major goals for me just to keep doing the best I can without putting on too much pressure :) #pocolo

  19. happy Blogger-versary!
    I think it is good that you can recognise where you need to improve but still know what you've done that is to be proud of.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work #PoCoLo

  20. Well done on making it to four years - that's great & happy blogbirthday!
    I like your blogging goals; you're right it's not easy maintaining a blog and regular content, so you have to want to do it (for love!) rather than just for any money that may come your way!
    I can't believe best and worst linky is nearly two years old...time flies!

  21. Some great goals! good luck for 2017! #marvmondays

  22. Congrautlations on 4 years of blogging and on making some sensible goals. I think all these are achievable and that is motivation in itself. My personal experience is not to worry too much about the Media Kit, I have one and PR's never look they just email me and ask my rates every time, though it can be quite satisfying to point them straight back to my site to look for themselves! All the very best for your 5th blog year! Fiona

  23. Wow 4 years! I've been blogging 4 months and my head just might explode with everything... If you could give me one piece of advice, I'd love to hear it? Good luck achieving your 2017 goals x #MarvMondays

  24. I find the best way to keep up with regular posts is to join in with linkys, i really enjoy the ones i do. I also post in 365/366 and use britmums photo prompts and add a one daily positive to each day, it really helps to keep positive

  25. Great goals although 7k followers would be utterly amazing. I am giddy to have just reached 2k on twitter!! I also take photos on my phone and was cringing looking back at my early posts where I didn't edit or crop them at all. Agree about reviews too and I've turned a few things down for that reason. Thanks for mentioning #marvmondays too. #bestandworst

  26. Wonderful goals, I totally agree that there's no point stressing over posts. Better to write as and when you can, rather than forcing yourself to come up with something and not feeling happy with the end result. #bestandworst

  27. Happy blog birthday to you, I wish you the best of luck with your goals in 2017!


  28. The past few days I've been reading so much on how to improve twitter and blogger following. It just overwhelms me. I'm hoping I can figure things out in 2017. I hope you are able to reach the higher blog and social media growth you want in 2017. And yay for saying no! Do what is best for you. Your family and your sanity is more important than doing it all.

  29. Congrats on the blog anniversary. I started mine at a similar time but to honest it's only over the past couple of years that I've really started doing it, if you know what I mean. I'm still working on my blog goals but have a few ideas about what I want to do. All the best for 2017 #bestandworst

  30. Sounds like a great set of goals. Realistic, yet manageable. I hope you have a fantastic 2017 X #marvmondays

  31. Good luck! good for you for making goals as that's really the only way to see and track progress and give you something to work towards! #bestandworst

  32. That's some great goals! I really need to do the same, my blog is floundering a little and I struggle to get anything posted some weeks! #bestandworst

  33. Such great blogging goals! I have a few similar ones this year, like building my following across channels and continuing to improve my photos. I'd recommend the VSCO app for editing pictures if you dont already use it ;-) I've loved linking up to best and worst over the last year, but like you I had to drop pretty much all linkies towards the end of the year as I just couldnt keep up with it all. Hoping to get back into a good routine with it all this year :-) Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Emily

  34. It's good to have blogging goals and I like the one about being more focused on what you say yes to, I think that makes a lot of sense and I will be doing that too. Congrats on four years, it goes so quick doesn't it - thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x

  35. Congratulations on completing four years of blogging. And keeping it going with kids et al. Here's to many more successful blogging years!

  36. Congrats on what you have achieved so far! And it's great to see so many bloggers 'publicly' setting their goals. I think it's a great way towards accountability! Lesson learned for me. Good luck on achieving them all! #bestandworst

  37. Popping back from #bestandworst

  38. I think that my blogging plan for 2017 is to actually HAVE a plan! I am all focused on content and linkies and not putting enough emphasis on quantity. I have done absolutely nothing to market myself, so I want to do much more of that. Ohhh, the list goes on!

  39. Wow 4 years - great accomplishment! I think it is hard work and easy to feel guilty for not posting or whatever. I sometimes need to remind myself that its fine if I dont post that when I planned readers don't know. I love blogging and its great to document family life! Happy Blogversary! #bestandworst x

  40. Congratulations! I get stressed every now and then. Photography is my downfall, this is what I need to learn. Just wondering if you have tried Fohr Card? It's an affiliate site that gives you a free media kit.x

  41. What great blogging goals and I think your right that the most important thing is not to get stressed about blogging. Easier said than done. I hope it works out for you #WotW sorry it's late x


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