Tuesday 13 December 2016

New Years Goals & Aims.

Resolutions ............... anyone make them? I have to admit I tend not to anymore, I can never stick to them and I hate feeling like a failure. However this year I might set myself some goals, things to aim for rather than things to give up or stop doing, I want to try ensure I have a positive outlook on life. After 2016 being quite a pants year I want 2017 to be a  more vibrant and happy year. Of course you never know what's round the corner but I want to take on 2017 with some optimism.

The start of a new year does signify for a lot of people a good opportunity to try and give up something they've been meaning to so perhaps you're giving it some thought and thinking about stopping smoking and starting to use a disposable electronic cigarette or cutting back on the booze or simply to lose some weight, 2017 could be the year to aim for this.

As I said above my resolutions, or aims if you like for 2017 are more centred around positivity and making the most of the year. So what are my aims in the coming year.......

  • I want to make sure that I see my friends regularly, we see a lot more of our friends now than we used to but for our friends that are not living so close I want to make sure we meet up regularly throughout the year.

  • More family days out. I love having time as just the 4 of us, I think it's vitally important for the children that they have lots of experiences and are able to create lots of memories. I am planning zoo trips, Lego Land again and hopefully if Alfie has his way another trip to Yorkshire and Flamingo Land!

  • Restart my gratitude journal. At the beginning of 2016 I started to write a gratitude journal with 3 good things that had happened that day as well as a short reflection, I can't tell you how refreshing it was to look back through the day for the positives.

Image result for Gratitude Jar
Image courtesy of Pinterest

  • Ok, ok so I know I wasn't going to be clichéd but I do want to lose a few lb's before our summer holiday. The weight is slowly creeping back on and I don't like it so I'm going to try and be a lot more health conscious in 2017.

  • Be 'crafty Mum'. I'm not going to be too worried if I don't achieve this fully but recently I've observed how much both Alfie and Elarna are enjoying to paint and do lots of colouring so I want to be able to let them do that at home without having a meltdown over mess!

  • I'm going to do my blogging goals in a separate post as there are a few things that I would like to focus on with regards to that.

  • I want to do some extra study within my career, I was going to do my masters but I don't think I am going to this year, I'm not quite ready to commit just yet, however I would like to do my prescribing so that's perhaps an option.

  • Start to decorate a couple of rooms in the house. As far as decorating goes we do have a lot to do. My first priorities are our bedroom and the spare room. It'll be really nice to get them done and that's a big tick of my list. I already have colour schemes in  mind it's just finding the time to actually do it!

  • Try not to stress and worry about silly little things, it's crazy to focus on such minor things and I don't want to spend 2017 stressed.

  • To save a bit of money. I'm terrible at saving and really would like to make a conscious effort to put some money aside. I started to fill my money pot up a little while ago, only silver coins and pounds are allowed in it and I've already got a fair bit so I want to focus on filling the pot to the top!

  • I used to walk a lot but now I don't seem to as much as I used to so I'm definitely going to be aiming to get out on my days off even if just for half an hour. Housework sometimes takes over and it really shouldn't, fresh air does wonders for the soul.
I'm sure that there will be other things that crop up throughout the year that I can add to this list and I'm certain that I'll look back on this in a years time and not have done all what I would like to but I like to have something to work towards and it's  nice to have some goals throughout the year to work towards.

Have you thought of any aims and goals for the 2017? Do share!

* Collaborative content.


  1. You've got lovely goals there Helen! The not stressing and being crafty is a good one. Aside from the mess, being creative is a great way to de-stress! A prescribing course sounds good for you too.

  2. Love these Hun! Interested to see your blogging goals as feel I'm so lazy at the mo. Hope we see more of you and so agree with the fresh air xx #bestandworst x

  3. Some great resolutions and goals here. I'm working mine out but weight loss is always right at the top! #Bestandworse

  4. They all seem pretty reasonable to me! I need to get my goals written down so I can see how I get on next year #bestandworst

  5. That's a good list. I definitely like the gratitude lists and spending more time as a family doing things is definitely one of my aims. Oh and a new kitchen!! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  6. Great goals. They've really given me some food for thought. 2016 has been very up and down for me and I've become lazy in many ways, next year is all about finding focus and making improvements! #bestandworst

  7. I think goals are so much better than resolutions, and probably a lot easier to stick to. I too don't make resolutions they never work for me, but like you, I will have one or two goals. #bestandworst x

  8. I do love a goals post! I have quite a few big ones for next year, mainly buying our first home and I am also hoping to finish writing my novel. #Bestandworst

  9. Great goals! That definitely sound manageable too. I think the biggest and most important one is this though: "Try not to stress and worry about silly little things." It's far too easy to stress and worry about things that are out of your control! #bestandworst

  10. Those all sound great. I need to make an effort to get back to walking also. We used to go several times a week and I've let it slip a bit. #bestandworst

  11. Great goals here, I'm with you on walking more. And I'm also aiming to get more sleep! xx #bestandworst

  12. Great goals and lots to achieve. I don't tend to make resolutions or goals as when I do, they get scuppered and make me feel like a failure. I just kinda wing it these days! xx #bestnworst

  13. I love the idea of goals instead of resolutions, they feel more achievable and something positive to work towards. But young lady if you do more days out with your family, I'm not reading anymore of your blogs due to pure envy. You're never home. After one of your posts this year, I declared to my husband "we were going to Yorkshire". lol.

    All the best for Christmas and the New Year x #bestandworst x

  14. I love that your goals are all about being positive in 2017. I love getting out and walking in the fresh air too, definitely need to start doing it more xx #bestandworst

  15. These are great goals really hope you achieve this post has made me think what my goals will be next year thanks for hosting#brmestandworst

  16. Hi Helen

    good post. its good to sit back and write down what you've achieved over a year.
    I'll be interested in your next post about blogging goals.

  17. Fantastic goals and aims, and they have inspired me to write my own list! I am quite useless with new years resolutions but in terms of goals, I do want to reach some of them next year so this might be the year that I finally motivate myself! #bestandworst

  18. Lovely goals, wish all the best with achieving them X #bestandworst

  19. Brilliant goals.I am inspired!It's so easy for life and the special moments to pass us by.x#TheBestandWorst

  20. Great idea to focus on things you want to achieve rather give up, that's what I'll be doing this year too x

  21. Don't sweat the small stuff, enjoy ticking off those goals. #bestandworst

  22. Ah, thank you for bringing this to the forefront of my mind as I had not made any goals yet! The new year always sneaks up on me because I get so consumed with Christmas.

    Two things for me:

    1. I want to be more proactive with contacting my girlfriends and feel less guilty for wanting to spend time with them.
    2. I want to write more. I don't mean in a blogging sense, although that would be great too, but in a "thank you note" kind of sense. Thank you notes seem to be going more and more out of vogue and I hate seeing that happen.

    Thought-provoking post! #bestandworst

  23. All I want is to get this baby out - I've had enough now! #bestandworst


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