Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at The New Theatre *Review*

{Gifted Tickets} Ahhh Joseph is one of those musicals that evokes so many childhood memories for me, would you believe the first time I saw it was in London with my parents and Philip Schofield played the lead which was from 1992 to 1997 and I went at some point during these years (wow that makes me feel old!). Is there anything better than the music and lyrics of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber? Nope I think not and last night I had the pleasure of attending the opening night of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at The New Theatre in Peterborough and clearly so did plenty of others as there were queue's out of the door when we arrived and it appeared to be a sell out.  I have to admit, after seeing it a couple of times when I was a child it wasn't actually a musical that was at the top of my list to re-watch. However......this is my Mums absolute favourite musical show and when I invited her along with me she was delighted! 

If you're not aware of the story it's essentially the retelling of the biblical tale of Joseph, his eleven brothers and his coat of many colours through an epic music score and performances.

This UK tour is fronted by Britains Got Talent finalist Mark McMullan with a stellar cast alongside him. Alexandra Doars, the narrator  provides a superb vocal range in this top notch casting. Also supported by a local stage school (Kindred Drama) this is a truly fantastic production. McMullan is absolutely outstanding and such a talent, his voice is unreal and what I would deem as the perfect 'west end' vocal. 

From the minute the intro kicked off I settled down and enjoyed the production from start to finish, I found myself getting fully immersed in the amazing songs, production and general atmosphere, I even found myself singing along at the end and left with a smile on my face, I heard lots of people as they were leaving saying how it was one of the best Joseph productions they had seen. Seeing it as a 36 year old was actually refreshing, it took on a new meaning and I felt much more of an understanding of the storyline. It hasn't aged at all, in fact I found it still very much a relevant production and felt the revamped parts added and enhanced the show greatly. 

Overall a 10/10 without a doubt. I had forgotten just how good it is and just how talented Rice and Webber are for creating such a fabulous show. Fun, loud, colourful and with a fantastic musical theatre score it is a must see for any theatre fan. GO, GO, GO book! Joseph is running at The New Theatre until Saturday 11th January and there are several showings available. It is also touring throughout the UK until the end of February. 

N.B As mentioned in previous posts The New Theatre is located on Broadway in Peterborough, there is parking available a short walk away at Brook St.


  1. Ah the last time i saw this was in London with Lee Meeds playing Joseph. It was amazing, would love to see it again. It looks like The New Theatre have really stepped up Peterborough's game!

  2. Sounds like you had fun! I've shared your review on my Facebook group Let's Celebrate Joseph :)


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