Sunday, 19 January 2020

How to Choose your Bridal Party

{collaborative content} As a bride, you’re in charge of choosing your party of girls (or guys) to follow you and help you with the preparations for your big day. Of course, you don’t have to have a bridal party at all if you don't want to have one, but you do need to consider whether you want someone standing up for you on this big day of yours. Given the number of guests you may have, you could choose your bridal party size based on the guest list. A more extensive guest list often lends to a more formal event.

Your groom is likely to have a best man, and for the photos, you may choose to have one bridesmaid to balance that out. However, if you have five bridesmaids in their pretty iris color bridesmaid dresses, then it stands to reason you’d like five opposing groomsmen with matching irises in their buttonholes. Below, we’ve got some essential tips for ensuring that you are choosing your wedding party wisely for the biggest day of your life.

More? Or Less?
You could have twenty best girlfriends, but it doesn't mean that you have to include them all in your day. You could have your closest best friends standing up with you, and then have the other girls involved in some way or another in the actual day. You’ll need their input for flower arrangements and table favours, and you can really use their help on your hen party night, too!

Family Conflict
Some people believe that if they don’t invite every female relative to be a bridesmaid, there will be drama. Here’s the thing: it’s YOUR day. You can ask them to avoid hurt feelings, or you could explain your budget is limited, and you want your childhood best friends with you at the front of the church. Either way, you should have the people you want there, not those you think you SHOULD have stood with you.

Know Your Budget
When it comes to having bridesmaids, you need to budget for the dresses, the flowers, hair and makeup, and their shoes. Please don't assume that they’re going to be able to afford to pay for their own outfits. Don’t ask anyone to stand with you if you can’t provide for them to be there with you on the big day.

If your best friends are boys, you can have them stand with you instead. Suit and boot them and put the right flowers in their buttonholes, and they can represent you just as well as any girlfriend would have. Is it unusual? Absolutely - and who cares?

Ask Those You Truly Want
You don't have to ask someone who has asked you before - a common mistake most women make. Yes, it’s polite, but imagine if you haven't spoken to that person for years? The critical thing to note is that you’re choosing those you love.

Your wedding is your big day. Choosing your bridal party is simple: pick the people you love the most and let them stand for you.

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