Monday, 19 November 2018

'My Special Day' Baby Annabell Doll *Review*

Dollies seem to be taking over our house, Elarna can't get enough if looking after them. She'd love to be a big sister but at the moment this as good as it will get! I love watching Elarna being so caring and doting upon her dolls, it's so lovely to watch and it's something I like to encourage to ensure she continues to nurture and care throughout her life. 

Elarna was very lucky to be sent the beautiful 'My Special Day' edition of Baby Annabell (RRP £64.99). This very special celebration version of Baby Annabell is so gorgeous, she comes dressed in a very pretty party dress and booties, hat and cardigan, comes with a cupcakes, plates, a selection of cake toppers, bottle and dummy.

Baby Annabell is a fab little doll, she cleverly reacts to touch and movement, I have to say she's really quite realistic to an actual baby, weight wise not so much as that would make her pretty heavy for a small child to hold but in size is  fairly accurate I would say to a small newborn. You can hold her over your shoulder and she'll calm and gurgle, she makes cute little baby noises, cries and sucks realistically on her dummy and bottle. She also cries real tears (although I've not noticed this feature) and also pee's on the potty - clever dolly!

She has big, beautiful blue eyes and a lovely little face, Elarna just adores her. I loved the accessories that she comes with, the added extras of the plates and cupcakes and decorations really enhances the role play aspect of the doll. Elarna is a three year old who adores role playing and especially when tea parties are involved. I can't tell you how much pretend tea and cake we have had with Baby Annabell! Also (although I'm not sure if Elarna is supposed to do this!), the cupcakes do come apart and she had a great time clipping them back together again and adding the variety of little cake decorations on.

What did we love?

- As always with Zapf Creations products, beautifully presented and thoughtful little touches with the cupcakes, decorations and plates

- Great product for encouraging caring and nurturing behaviour and for teaching responsibility

- Great interaction from the doll, we love the amount of different movements and sounds she produces

- A lovely addition to the Baby Annabell range, a welcome addition to the Blogging Beautifully household

- We love here outfit and it's a bonus that it comes off and you can change her into something else if you have any other outfits

- Would make a wonderful Christmas gift, perfect for a young child who either loves dolls or for an introduction to dolls

Anything we weren't so keen on?

Mostly we loved it! There was very little that we disliked.

- The price is slightly steep, however she is on offer at the moment at a couple of retailers so I would recommended buying now!

- There are small parts so definitely aimed at age 3 years +

Here are a few photos of Elarna absolutely loving Annabell, have you ever seen a girl so pleased and happy to have a new baby to cuddle and play with?! I really can't express how much she enjoys being a 'Mummy', she constantly wants to get Alfie involved to play with dollies and sometimes he does but sometimes he really doesn't want to join in but when they do play together it's really lovely to watch.

Overall we can't recommend this lovely My Special Day Baby Annabell enough. She's lovely to hold, has a super pretty outfit and great accessories and is a wonderful addition to Elarna's doll collection.

Baby Annabell is available from many leading retailers and as mentioned above  the price of My Special Day is around £65.00 but there are a few offers around at the moment. We love Baby Annabell! the moment :
£2.50 from the sale of every Baby Annabell® My Special Day doll (RRP £64.99) at Smyths Toys Superstores within the UK from October – April will go towards a donation to Barnardo’s.
For ages 3+

* We were kindly sent a Baby Annabell in exchange for an honest and unbiased review, all thoughts are my own.

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