Wednesday 17 October 2018

Activity Holidays for Adventurers!

5 Activity Holidays for Adventurers

As much as I adore my kids and I love being a Mum, it would be really nice to take a week out and go on a holiday for myself. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about all the things I’d like to experience – a kind of bucket list I suppose. I thought that I’d share some of them with you, in case you too have a sense of adventure and fancy a go at any of these activities.

Sky Diving

For those who aren’t aware, sky diving involves jumping from a plane at height, and floating to the ground with the aid of a parachute. You can either do this solo, or whilst strapped to a trained professional, whose job it will be to open the parachute. I think that if I was to do this activity, I’d want to do it somewhere that was visually striking to see from such a height. The adventure club Awe365 have a great post on 10 of the best places to go.

Water Sailing

I love being out on the water – it’s so peaceful. I’d love to learn to sail and if I can do this somewhere a tad warmer than Britain, it would be perfect. One of the holidays I’m keen on in particular is from Mark Warner and it looks perfect. They offer sailing package holidays in the likes of Turkey and Sardinia, and all the training is done by Royal Yachting Association instructors. Safety is obviously important to me.


There are some stunning landscapes in the USA and I’d love to go hiking on some of the trails and mountains there. The food to replenish my body would be epic too! What could be more amazing than hiking the Grand Canyon?! This man’s journey is inspiring me so much (see The Guardian) and it’s definitely now on my bucket list. I think I might need to practice hill walking locally first though lol.

Scuba Diving

I think that going somewhere like the Caribbean to go scuba diving would be amazing. I don’t think we can fully appreciate all of the life on the planet until we’ve had a good look at what’s underneath us. The oceans are full of sea and plant life and are a riot of colour, and I’d love to experience that. One holiday provider that I’ve been liking the look of is Dive Worldwide as their packages look amazing. Their Bahamas trips include diving to see sharks and even ship wrecks!


I know it’s not a physical adventure activity, but I’d love to go on an African safari as seeing all of those animals in their natural habitats would be stunning and so emotional. I’d want to go on a package with a big tour operator (Virgin Holidays do packages), to make sure I was safe, but I think it would be an amazing adventure. Think of the photographs you would get from a trip like this!

What are some of the things on your vacation bucket list?

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