Thursday, 15 September 2016

School Trips Away!

Before Alfie started school we had a short meeting the week before with the head, his teacher and other parents about the structure of the EYFS (early years foundation stage) - while we we there the headteacher was telling us how the school felt bizarrely empty as the year 6's were on a residential in France, I have to admit I took a double take for a moment, surely they were far too young to be on an extended trip away from home - then I realised that they were around age 10 and I'm fairly I was about this age when I went on a French trip for several days. I absolutely loved my French trip, even to this day I have vivid memories of my time away. I remember taking in the sounds and sights of northern France, discos in the evening and staying up chatting with my girlfriends. I still have the photos and look back at them fondly as it was my first time away so far away from home. I had such a great time. At this moment in time I'm still in a weird bubble about Alfie being in school and can't see past next week let alone year 6 but it did get me thinking about school trips, residentials and school sports tours.

I know my husband would be more than keen for Alfie to go on a longer school trip abroad or skiing in the future, I am to, I think it is hugely beneficial for them and offers independence and responsibility which is key at this age before transitioning into a high school but I would of course be anxious!

Absolute Travel

I think it's something that we will talk to Alfie about well in advance when he is due to go to get him fully prepared. The more I think about the more I am enthusiastic about a trip away, children must absolutely love being able to be slightly more independent while having a unique and memorable trip away. Some of the trips that are on offer through absolute sports travel are fantastic. These range from sports trips, activity days, day trips, ski trips and trips abroad.

There are lots of things to look forward to at school but trips and residential breaks are absolutely something to embrace and experience while at school. 

* Collaborative post.

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