Thursday, 11 December 2014

Pregnancy Update - 21/22 Weeks

Baby is the size of a Spaghetti (?!) Squash.

I forgot my 21 week update, I shall blame it on baby brain so thought I'd combine the last couple of weeks together. I have taken a recent bump picture but I have to apologise for the poor quality as my husband was out on his Christmas do and I had no one else to take it! I don't think it is a great picture of my bump either but you can sort of make out the pregnancy podge that I am developing! 

The past couple of weeks I have been feeling ok but the last few days I have been having several bouts of dizziness and my blood pressure has been a little low which may account for that. Tonight when putting Alfie to bed and turning the light off I had a huge dizzy spell and had to cling on to the wall for a few seconds while it passed, not ideal! Slightly concerning when I drive around during the day!

Baby is roughly around 8 inches in length and weighing around 1lb at the moment and continues to make rapid developments. It is beginning to look more like a newborn baby with lips, eyelids and eyebrows starting to become more distinct.The eyes have formed but the irises of the eye lack pigment. 

I am still not feeling massive amounts of movement but it is starting to increase daily, it is such a shame that I have an anterior placenta as my husband hasn't yet been able to feel the little one yet. The movements are very different to when I was carrying Alfie, the midwife reassured me that once baby grows bigger I'll definitely be feeling like I'm being kick boxed from the inside!

I have finally started to buy a few bits and pieces, I have purchased a beautiful moses basket as we borrowed one the first time round, I have also bought some new bottles and some gorgeous new babygro's which I can't wait to see the little one wearing! Still lots to buy and I'm sure last time I had was much more organised!

I will try and remember to do an update next week but in the meantime you can read my last update by clicking here.


  1. What a lovely way to document your pregnancy, looking forward to future updates x

    1. Thankyou Stephanie! I look forward to documenting it too :-) x

  2. Congratulations, you have a lovely little bump! Half way through your pregnancy, hope it all goes well! :) x

    1. Thanks so much, I'm anticipating getting rather large this time around! x

  3. I have an anterior placenta as well and I don't think I started feeling proper movements until I was about 24 weeks and my other half could feel them from the outside then too. I'm 29 weeks now and feel her wriggling around like crazy! Xx

    1. It's such a shame, the movements are so different this time I can't wait to see some bigger movements! x


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