Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Like, Love, Loathe - Link Up

Hello again Tuesday, we meet again!!! I'm here and I'm writing my likes, loves and loathes for this week. 

Liking: Family time. It was my parents Ruby Wedding Anniversary last week and we went for lunch with some close family on Sunday, it was lovely to see them and with everything that goes on throughout the year I don't often get to see them so it was thoroughly lovely. 

Loving: I am loving, or actually obsessing over those dusty, floury old style milk bottle sweets, oh they are so good I could eat bags of them I'm sure!! Yum, yum, yum,  yum.

Loathing: Feeling exhausted, recently I keep having waves of tiredness creeping up on me, the other night I was asleep by 10pm! Then as soon as I fell asleep it was morning again. When will I win the lottery so I don't have to work?!

So there are my likes, loves and loathes for the weeks. What are you liking, loving and loathing?

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