Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Like, Love, Loathe - Link Up

Tuesday has rolled around once again and I realise that I haven't posted much on my blog since last week, I have got a few posts scheduled so hopefully I'll be back on the ball soon!

What am I liking, loving and loathing this week?

Liking: Last week I was loathing potty training but this week is going much better and Alfie is having loads more wee's in the potty and is wearing big boy pants with less resistance now! He is beginning to be able to communicate to us much more when he needs a wee and gets a Thomas the Tank Engine sticker for every wee he does in the potty, here's hoping it continues to go in the right direction. 

Loving: It's nearly time for our meal at The Waterside Inn, Bray for our fourth wedding anniversary, I'm very excited!! We have eaten at many lovely restaurants over the years, some Michelin starred some not but this will be out first three Michelin star restaurant that we've been too and we're staying the night which is even better! Photos and review to come soon!

Loathing: Waiting for things, I am incredibly impatient and hate having to wait for things whether it be post, a parcel to arrive or for Adi to come home from work. Waiting sucks. 

So there we have my latest likes, loves and loathes. What are yours?

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  1. Your 'love' for the week sounds amazing! Hope you have a wonderful time!! :) x

  2. I hope you enjoy your meal :) .. I hate waiting for things too, I usually end up waiting and then the minute I leave the house a parcel arrives!

  3. The restaurant sounds lovely. Hope you have/hada lovely time.

    jen x

  4. Ooh enjoy your Bray date, sounds amazing. Good news on Alfie, so pleased for you as its another happy bye bye at nappies for you and him. Yep do not like waiting, buses, queues, postmen, people to do what they promised is possibly the one that frustrates me most. Have a nice weekend. x


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