Monday, 18 April 2022

Looking after yourself when Expecting.

{Collaborative Content} When pregnant, it is more crucial than ever to ensure that you are taking adequate care of yourself. Yes, you'll be overjoyed that you'll soon have a little bundle of joy to hold and care for, and your primary focus will be them, but caring for them also includes caring for yourself.

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

There are certain areas that you should be concentrating on for you and your baby, whether it's sticking to consultations, eating the right food, resting, doing some regular exercise, or checking out a few pregnancy checklists,  both of you will be happier, healthier, and probably saner if you follow a few of the tips in this short guide:

Your Nutrition

Food and drink are extremely important before, during, and after pregnancy, but they are especially crucial for a healthy pregnancy. You should prioritize consuming full, healthful foods high in vitamins, iron, and protein. This should be done throughout your pregnancy by consuming small but regular meals. If you feel nauseating at the start of your pregnancy, consider eating little portions and eating something before getting out of bed, such as arrowroot biscuits. There are several foods you should avoid when pregnant as well, such as:

  • Soft cheeses with white rinds 

  • Soft blue cheeses

  • Raw or part cooked eggs

  • Raw fish and undercooked meat

  • Pate- Avoid all types of pate

  • Cold Cured meats- Only eat if cooked. 

  • Liver and Game

  • Shark, marlin, or Swordfish

  • Only eat pasteurized milk products. 

  • Limit Caffeine

Despite this list, there are still lots of healthy and interesting foods that you may enjoy, so try to eat a varied diet as much as feasible and remember that you should only be eating 200 calories per day throughout the third trimester to support the final phases of growth.

You must pay close attention to your water consumption when pregnant; staying hydrated is critical. Depending on your level of activity, you should drink at least six to eight moderate (200ml) glasses of fluid every day. The good news is that all beverages count, including hot beverages like tea and coffee. You could have the following drinks as an option:

  • Water

  • Fruit teas

  • Fresh fruit juice

  • Skimmed or Semi-skimmed milk

You are at risk of dehydration if you do not drink enough fluids. The following signs indicate you are dehydrated:

  • Feeling thirsty

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Not weeing very often

  • Dry mouth and eyes

  • Light-headedness or dizziness 

  • Headaches

A doctor or midwife should be consulted if you are concerned about your fluid intake or you have dehydration symptoms that don't improve when you drink more fluids.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

As your pregnancy progresses, it might become increasingly difficult to get the rest you require. This is one of the main reasons why people are permitted to take maternity leave before the baby is born. If you are tired during the day, take a nap to catch up on any sleep you might well have missed during the night. Using goods like a pregnancy pillow can help relieve back pain and make it easier to sleep on your side. Plus, getting in the habit of getting some rest when you can make life with a newborn much easier.

Be Self-Assured In Your Body

Maintain your self-assurance in your physique! Look for positive birth and pregnancy information. Avoid the birth horror stories that everyone wants to tell you. Your body is capable of giving birth. Don't listen to anyone who tells you it will fail. If someone tells you about her traumatic birth, encourage her to do it after you've had your baby. If someone gives you advice on what you must do, take it with a pinch of salt. There is no single optimum way for every woman to give birth. You can find your best path, and hearing about happy experiences can help you do so. You may experience pregnant dry skin, this is common, but it is something you can tackle to help you feel more confident while your body is changing so much. 

Talk To Your Midwife

Even if you believe you are not a candidate for homebirth or midwife-attended delivery in a hospital, it is a good idea to consult with a midwife first. Why? A midwife will spend much more time with you early on, will teach you more about nutrition and self-care during pregnancy, and will offer you a more confident start to your pregnancy. If complications emerge, your care can be moved to an OB.

Hire A Doula

No of where you plan to give birth or who your caregiver is, it is a smart option to have someone on your birth team who is primarily concerned with the emotional and comfort aspects of birth and does not have clinical care responsibilities. This way, if anything happens that requires all of your primary caregiver's attention, you'll still have someone to assist you in understanding the process. A doula may also make everyone at the delivery feel more at ease, even if the midwife is doing the most of the labor support for the mom.

When To Let People Know

When notifying others about your pregnancy, add two weeks to the official due date. This serves two purposes. For one thing, it saves you from the post-due-date syndrome, in which your mother-in-law phones you the day after your due date and asks, "Have you had that kid yet?" Two, it is more believable! A normal pregnancy lasts between 38 and 42 weeks. On average, first-time mothers are eight days past their "due" dates. This means that half of the first-time mothers have their babies more than a week late! Even with successive pregnancies, the majority of women miss their due date, with three days being the average and up to 14 days being typical. Even extended pregnancies are possible; different caregivers advise dealing with "past due" in various ways.

Ask About Your Care

Inquire about your treatment. When a test or procedure is advised (such as an ultrasound, blood test, or amniocentesis), you have the right, if not the obligation, to ask questions. "What exactly is this test?" "What is the point?" "What will we discover?" "How will we put this information to use?" "Are there other options?" "What are the test's potential negative effects?" "What are the ramifications of doing nothing?"

Educate Yourself 

 Get educated, take classes, and learn everything you can so you can make informed decisions about the treatment you receive. But remember this at the heart of what you learn: you don't have to be taught how to give birth effectively. When it comes to the nitty-gritty, the messy physical job of giving birth, the best thing you can do is throw your mind out the window and let your body do what it knows how to do down to the bone. That doesn't mean you should be distant from the process; quite the contrary.

It means you don't have to use a sophisticated technique to get through contractions, and you don't have to hold your breath and count to ten to bring your kid into the world. You've been breathing since birth and your know-how. You can do it while sleeping. Similarly, women are fully capable of giving birth without any cognitive guidance. What will aid in the birth of your child? Your willingness to go through the process, pain and all, and to listen to your body. If you let it, your body will tell you what you need to do. And your body is the most knowledgeable about what it requires to give birth.

Choose Your Birthing Partner/s

Choose the people who will be working beside you with care. Everyone should be dedicated to assisting you in finding your own best path through labor. Each should be willing to take a step back if you decide you need more privacy or more concentrated time with just one of your support team members. Birth should not be regarded as a social event. It is far better to be social a few hours or a day following the birth than it is during labor. During labor, you should not have to worry about taking care of anyone else's needs. You shouldn't have to worry about uncomfortable family relationships, and you're not compelled to invite anyone to your baby's birth who you don't want to be there.

Nobody, not even your mother. Nobody, not even your sister. Nobody, not even your best friend. If you want them present because you believe they can actively assist you in having a more peaceful birth experience, that's fantastic! They should be invited. But don't fall into the trap of viewing birth as a family social occasion.

Think About A Labor Support Person

A labor support person. Perhaps one friend or family member who can blend in or be helpful and encouraging without being overbearing. Why? Birth is a deeply personal and private experience. If you don't have your entire extended family and network of friends in the same room with you, it will be simpler to let go and allow birth to happen. It's not impossible to give birth to a large group of people there; it's simply not as simple. You are queen for the day you give birth.

If you remember these tips you should be able to take the best care of yourself possible during pregnancy. Are you expecting? What have you put in place to help look after your health? Please share some ideas in the comments below. 

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