Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Christmas Wishes with Feel Good Contacts

Christmas is only a few sleeps away and the excitement is building in the Blogging Beautifully house. I'm likely to have bleary, tired eyes through lack of sleep trying to make sure everything is perfect for my 2 monkey's but luckily Feel Good Contacts will help me out with this. Along with some contact lenses I was also sent a lovely gift from the company to help me through the festive season which I am featuring throughout the post! I'm still frantically trying to wrap all the pressies and write the food shopping list before finishing work on Friday, still so much to do! This year hasn't been the best for us so it got me thinking about if I could wish for anything this Christmas what would be.

  • Well firstly that Christmas day goes by without any hitches and is enjoyed by all!

  • Health. Above everything else I wish for a healthy family, we started the year off with a poorly daughter and numerous illnesses through the year and then myself finding a lump in the Summer has kind of put things into perspective and I just wish for the good health of my nearest and dearest. 

  • Money. It's what makes the world goes around doesn't it and let's face it we could all do with more of the stuff. I wish could be more savvy and save more, I really should make it one of my resolutions for 2018......we will see I guess!

  • Achievements. I wish for my children to achieve to the best of their ability and fly high. It's so easy to become complacent through life and I'm determined for my children to not make the same mistakes I have and fulfil their dreams. 

  • To have lots to look forward to. I like to fill our diary with fun things to do, although I do like staying in too but I wish for a nice balanced calendar this year with plenty of things to look forward to and be excited about (hence why Summer hols 2018 have already been booked!).

  • To not be so critical on myself. As a personal wish I want to try and be less critical of myself. I am very, very hard on myself about certain things and put alot of pressure for me to keep everyone happy and sometimes it's just not possible. I think I need to start to say no a bit more!

  • For more couple/adult time. We recently were lucky enough to have an overnight babysitter and I was whisked away to the spa for the night. It was bliss, I really feel that we need to do a few more adult only breaks, it does the world of good having some time away from the kids and being able to enjoy each others company again. 

  • To get a puppy? Wishful thinking but it's been on the wish list for quite a while now! Now I just need to figure out how to convince the husband!! Ha!

So these are my Christmas wishes for 2017, what are yours? If you fancy finding out a bit more about contact lenses and Feel Good Contacts please head over to the website for more information. I can also offer you a 10% discount code by using ATBXMAS10.

* Collaborative post. We were kindly sent the gorgeous gift and lenses free of charge in exchange for a post, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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