Monday, 15 February 2016

Alfie at 3 Years 8 Months.

I am soon to be Mum to a four year old. I remember thinking last year how on earth I am going to cope with a threenager......the terrible two's was bad enough! I can't quite decide whether I've loved or hated the past year at this age.........a mixture of both I think. We have had rough days weeks (sometimes feels like months!) but also moments of pure happiness! 

I haven't published an update in absolutely ages, the last couple that I did write were about life coping with the threenager..... part 1 and part 2

So how is life at the moment with my little hurricane?'s busy, tiring and non stop!

Alfie is a spirited, cheeky, active, clever, caring, stroppy but cute little boy. At times I'm tearing my hair out and at other times I am bowled over by his little personality and caring nature. 

He is ALWAYS on the go, he generally has to always be doing something, usually something active. Getting him to sit down and focus on something like colouring or painting is a no go area, within 10 minutes he is bored and running off leaving me to either finish what we started or pack it all up! He would much rather be outside, playing with his trains or reading a book. 

He absolutely loves reading which I am really pleased about, I adored reading when I was younger and I'm so pleased that he enjoys it, I am really trying him to encourage him to read lots during the day. We have a huge amount of books and before bed he loves to chill and read with us. Some of favourite books he can just recite word for word, I think we know them backwards! If we do want him to chill, we stick a film on for him and cuddle up on the sofa....particular favourites at the moment are The Good Dinosaur and Thomas and the Legend of the Lost Treasure. 

I'm pleased to write that the relationship between Alfie and Elarna is finally pretty good. If you read my posts regularly you will know that there has been a few issues with jealously and bonding but things are definitely better. In fact he is so caring towards her at the moment and aware of things that she is doing that she shouldn't be! Just yesterday he made me aware that she was trying to put a bit of Lego in her mouth. He still can't quite cope if she tries to play with his toys (unless on his terms!) but he now knows if he doesn't want her to play with them the best option is to find one of her toys and give it to her. The use of a 'baby jail' also helps with this we have found too!

We continue to take him to rugby, we signed him up for a 12 week course which finishes in March, we're unsure whether we'll continue it or not, I'm hoping to but it depends on how much he progresses in the next few weeks. If you follow my blog regularly you'll know it's been a bit hit and miss as to whether he joins in much! He is getting better but there is certain games that he isn't as keen to join in as others. I think we should persevere as it will stand him in good stead when he starts school. We'll see how it goes.

We had the health visitor pop over a few weeks ago to welcome us to the area, do Elarna's 10/12 month check and Alfie's pre- school review. I had a few worries that I chatted over with her, mainly about Alfie's behaviour. He can be so defiant at times and hit out and me being the over worrier that I am had my concerns. She completely reassured me that he is just at that age where he is learning to test the boundaries and actually at this age they are very clever at manipulating situations to their advantage. She was also very impressed with his number counting and reciting of the alphabet! I asked whether he should be starting to write letters (he sort does with a bit of help) as some of his friends are beginning to and she again reassured me that every child is different and he will excel in different areas, such as reading and numbers. She also commented on the fact that he is very active and thought that he will just be one of those children that would prefer to be doing something physical than focusing on writing.......sounds about right, ha! So I am trying my hardest not stress about what he's not doing and focus on what he can do and is really good at!

Being at this age appears to be so complex! Sometimes he can go from being in the grumps to being a smiley boy. I guess he's starting to learn he can control his emotions and how they affect the situation he's in! Most of the time he's a lovely lad to be around, very caring, sweet natured and chatty......other times he can be an actual little devil child!

As much as I hate to see the time go by so quickly I love watching him develop into a little boy rather than a toddler. He is more than ready for school, I think he's going to get lots out of it (when he settles in!) and I'm going to be sad to see him'll be very strange him going 5 days a week, he's in only nursery 2 days a week currently. I know some people look at it as free childcare but I actually love the 2 days off in the week that I have with them both, it will definitely be odd come September.

I'm really hoping he'll get into the little country school 3 miles down the road from us, we put it as our 1st choice. Our 2nd choice is the school we are in the catchment for and I wouldn't be overly disappointed for him to get in there but I would prefer him to be in a slightly smaller and more of a village was so lovely when we looked around! Fingers crossed, still got a few weeks to wait before we hear.

He really is my superstar and I can't quite believe that he's nearly 4! I see alot of my husband in him, so does everyone else but there are definitely some of my traits that I see in him too. I'm really looking forward to seeing what the next year has in store for us. Lots of changes are on the way and it will be a big step and learning curve for us all. 

Any advice of how to cope with the fearsome foursomes?

Best of Worst


  1. Please don't worry about writing/numbers etc. They come on so quickly at school & they quite like them to come in with a clean slate as they have some very different methods of teaching even across different settings. Just make the most of not having to do homework etc. I miss my daughter now she's there 5 days a week. But it's holidays now, yay!

    I remember the wait well. I hope you get the school of your choice, sounds as if you have 2 good options though. Alfie sounds exactly like my boy. He loves reading but is such a high energy ball of fizzing activity that colouring etc are a no no! #fartglitter

  2. How is he almost 4?? I remember that pic message when he was born! He is such a little character and I'm pleased he is keen on his reading too as it is so lovely to share. Glad things have settled down with Elarna too! xx #fartglitter

  3. He looks very confident and a real character. I have an almost 4 year old too who is testing every boundary

  4. Alfie sounds a fairly typical boy to me, I have 5 and they all wanted to play outdoors more than sit and write, if he enjoys reading that is wonderful so please don't worry. #MarvMondays

  5. No advice as we're not there yet. In school with this age I find clear boundaries, rewards and consequences helpful. Best of luck. Hope you get your school of choice.


  6. Such a cutie! I love watching the relationship between my son and daughter blossom, it's one of my favourite parts of parenting :).

  7. I have all this to come! But it's sad how quickly that time just disappears, even when times are tough. He sounds like a very active boy and that's great! It's also good that he's bonded with his sister, it's a tough transition. I could watch my two playing all day, it's so sweet. But they fight a lot too...!

  8. Oh you will love watching them bond more now as she grows, it is one of my favourite things watching my children form a really solid friendship and play together. My advice for age four, just have fun, they are so cute at age 4 as they learn more and explore more. #bestandworst

  9. Jet is similar to Alfie in that he loves being active and the outdoors. It looks like you have some great outside spaces to enjoy, judging by your photos :) We have just applied for Jet to start Reception in September too, and I was on the lookout for lots of outdoor learning and play when we were looking at schools!
    x Alice

  10. We're just three months behind you with Miss Tot and she has suddenly developed a whole new range of emotions, along with a pocket full of new talents for "mumipulation" Thank you for sharing your experiences with your gorgeous little Man. It's reassuring to read as I think we're pretty much with you all the way! Your little one looks like a lovely bundle of fun. Good luck with 4. I'll be reading with interest!

    Dawn x

  11. Lovely how Alfie's personality is shining through! Good luck getting into your first choice school, it sounds like a great school :)

  12. Happy that your two babies (even if he is turning four) are finally getting a long. I'm sure they'll be the best of friends in years to come. Thank you for hosting #bestandworst

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  13. Oooo fearsome foursome sounds like a new challenge! I love the pictures- it does look like they are getting on well now and he is figuring out his new role #bestandworst

  14. My little boy is 18 months and I have noticed a huge change from baby to toddler over the last month. I cannot even imagine a 2 year old, let alone a 3 year old. It sounds like you are doing a great job though, and getting through the good and bad times #bestandworst

  15. Ha, I love the idea of having a baby jail "naughty baby, behind bars for you"
    Sibling jealousy can be bad sonim glad for you that he is over that. #bestandworst

  16. This is so lovely to read as your son is exactly a year older than mine so it's nice to know what could be around the corner x #bestandworst

  17. He sounds lovely. I get your worries though, I have found 3 the hardest age to cope with #bestandworst xx

  18. Isn't a gift to see your children develop and become their own little selves. I am always amazed (and occasionally fazed) by the stages my two go through. He looks like a lovely little boy. #bestandworst

  19. Awww this is lovely! He seems like a lovely little boy! My 3yr 8month old is pushing boundaires too atm. The stock answer being "never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to just about everything, which was cute at first..... Roll on 4!

  20. My little girl has just turned 4, so far so good though! #bestandworst

  21. Watching children turn into their own little person is wonderful. Alfie does sound great fun :)

  22. Love this update. Your pictures tell such a lovely story of Alfie's development, as much as your words. Do you find that when Alfie joins in at Rugby, he is more tired at night? I didn't realise how much energy little boys have and I'm looking for things in the future Henry can get stuck right into.

    Well done for nearly reaching the 4 year milestone.

    Renee @peonieandme #bestandworst x

  23. I'm finding having a boy so much harder than a girl! #bestandworst

  24. Oooh, I can't imagine how it must feel to be thinking of school for Alfie!! This time next year we will need using on schools for our eldest, and I can't really compute that in my head! He looks super cute in the photos, and I share a lot of the same worries as you about defiant behaviour and lack of interest in writing etc. But I'm sure these things are nothing to worry about at all, like the health visitor suggested!! Lovely to read this update!

  25. He and Megs are so close in age and I cant believe how similar their behaviours are, as if its big school this year too - I hope he gets his 1st choice and things calm once he turns 4. My son is 5 now and its a vast difference from being 3/4 x #bestandworst

  26. Ah he is gorgeous! The time just goes so quickly, doesn't it?! Good luck with the school application, the village school sounds lovely! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst :)

  27. He looks so cute so as Elarna! Reimer was also the same at that age, he's always active and up to something all the time but now that he's 5, he's calmed down a bit, I must say he's a bit well behaved. Good luck with his school soon! Hope he'll get on well! #bestandworst

  28. I think it's great that he has so much energy and wants to be outdoors all the time not glued to a computer screen! Good to hear how much his relationship with Elarna has come on. He looks adorable in his little rugby strip :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  29. Great update the girls turn four at the end of the month HELP! No seriously Alfie sounds just the perfect little boy don't worry about the rugby if he stops there will be plenty happening at school for him thanks for hosting the #bestandworst

  30. I can only imagine what it must be like to have a nearly 4 year old, we're still in the terrible twos at the moment, with threenager getting dangerously closer by the day. I can't believe how quickly the days, months and years go. Love the piccies of your little ones, Alfie sounds just like my friends 4 year old :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  31. Love the picture with the phone! It sounds like he definitely keeps you busy, but that's great. My 8-month-old is just learning how to walk, and I can already tell that she's going to be one of those kids who doesn't sit still for a minute! #bestandworst

  32. From experience I would say that often when children are troublesome, they are actually very bright and needing lots of stimulation. That was certainly the case with my 3rd child who sounds a lot like your boy in many ways. He still hates writing but that is OK as we home educate and he learns in a way that suits his passions. Relax it is not easy but do try as it all tends to work out just fine in the end. Lovely tribute to a characterful boy

  33. Aww bless - he's doing so well. My eldest turns 3 in a couple of months - I have 3 looming ahead! Glad the relationship with Elarna has worked itself out! Love that photograph with the phone - it's amazing. #bestandworst

  34. This is a lovely post Helen and some lovely photos too. Logan will be 2 in 4 months and I think we're already starting the terrible 2's I lose count the amount of tantrums we get but he can be so loving too, Boys ay? lol #bestandworst

  35. My son is 4 next month and his moods change just as fast as you can click your fingers too. Nice to hear hes not the only one ;-). He is also really possessive about his toys. Hooe he gets into your first choice of school.

    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst :-)

  36. You should be proud, so hard been three as your working out boundaries and learning to communicate. My son doesenjt really write but that is normal not until 4/5 X #bestandworst

  37. Your getting into those fun ages, once my son turned 4 then 5 I didn't know who he was practically so defiant and challenging me at every turn. Now 6 its a little better but definitely still testing the boundaries, really tests my patience that's for sure. So you have nothing to worry about its normal. Your kids are super cute I bet he is going to be a great big brother. #bestandworst

  38. Such a lovely post. I loved reading it because we're about to have our second baby this summer and our little lady will be just about to turn three so Im really conscious of sibling jealousy and how Ill manage to juggle the demands of two little ones. Your post was really insightful, I love the idea of having a space that we can put baby in safely (baby jail lol) while we attend to the baby if theres only one of us around. It sounds like Alfie is really growing into his role as a big brother which is lovely :-) Good luck with his school application, fingers crossed you get the one you want! #MarvMondays Emily

  39. Gosh this is all such a long time ago for me! I find myself saying that a lot reading hosts'/linkers' posts. Starting to feel like the oldest mum on the block ha ha. They all go through what they go through don't they? Hope Alfie gets into your preferred school. #BestAndWorst x


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