Thursday 18 May 2023

How to Know if you are Dependant on Alcohol

{Collaborative Content} A lot of people have trouble with alcohol for one reason or another. It is in fact a very common issue to have. If you are someone who feels as though you could probably have a better handle on your alcohol intake, there are a lot of things that you might need to think about here. First of all, it might be helpful to figure out whether or not you are actually dependent on alcohol, because that will likely affect the manner in which you approach recovery. So let’s look at some of the signs that you might be.

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You Experience Withdrawal Without It

This is one of the clearest signs that you might be dependent on alcohol. In fact, if you notice this, then it definitely means you have some kind of dependency to the drug. Withdrawal simply means that your body and brain go through various unpleasant side effects when you have not had a drink. That might include being shaky, having mood swings, poor sleep, depression and anxiety and really everything in between. If you get these kinds of effects from not drinking, that is a sure sign of dependency, and it might be time for alcohol detoxification.

You Can’t Relax Without A Drink

In a more subjective sense, you might just feel that you can’t really fully relax unless you have a drink in hand. This is again very common, but a definite sign that you have become dependent upon alcohol in order to just function normally. As such, you should make sure that you are trying to do something about it. That simply starts with getting the appropriate help, which is always available should you want it. Of course, part of the problem can be knowing where to look, but if you ask around in your area this becomes clear soon enough.

It’s Causing Troublesome Behaviour

Sometimes the most obvious sign that you have a problem with alcohol is that it is appearing to affect your behaviour in some way. You might be acting in ways which other people disapprove of, or causing harm to yourself or other people. Or you might just frequently wake up feeling very guilty without knowing why. These are all signs that alcohol use may be becoming a problem for you. The next step is to own up to your behaviour by getting some help with your drinking, for the benefit of everyone.

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Other People Are Worried

Finally, you might find that other people are worried about your alcohol usage, and that they have started to tell you so. When this happens, it can be a shock, and you might find yourself resisting what they say, perhaps even getting quite angry about it. In any case, it is again just a sign that you might need to do something about it - and it is definitely worth making sure that you do. It really will make a huge difference to how you feel in the long run, and how you behave too.