
Friday 20 November 2015

Bringing Light into a Room.

Building ambient lighting into any living area can be a hard task at the best of times; a lot of us would like to simply stick a lamp in the corner, add a bulb and hey presto, think we’re done. If only that was the case.

When you have young children, or even those a little more grown up, to your partners or friends that visit regularly you want to ensure that the home you environment you provide is comfortable but also fit for purpose.

Online lighting store, Agof Store have provided some wonderful tips in executing beautiful design and developing your home feel with the simplicity of home lighting.

Use natural lighting
OK, so this is a little oxymoronic but natural lighting needs to be maximised, no, completely developed in your home when you want to set the tone and ambience to your living areas. One of the big areas of development here is to to understand where your home faces (i.e. south facing) and then utilising that natural lighting in your home to really shroud your home features in natural warmth and glow.

Top tip: if you have a house that has a natural light advantage, look at creating larger apertures around the home to ensure that you get the most from natural daylight. Large windows and insulated arco beams can be small adjustments that can drastically change the look and feel of your home.

Mix it up a bit
Having a range of different lighting options can really change the look and feel to any living area. Chopping and changing between floor and ceiling lights can also add a variety of colours and textures when it comes to how the lamps look and feel in your room.

Top tip: Choose between floor, ceiling and even desk lamps and look at these also as decorations in your room. Select colours that pick out subtle tones in your room and vary the shapes and sizes to add texture to your house.

Make a statement
Your lighting can be extras, such as in a play or they can take centre stage and make a real statement about who you are and how you want to demonstrate that artistic side to your life. Remember your home is an extension of who you are so make sure that the decorations, in this case, lighting, properly reflects that.

Top tip: Choose big lamp covers with ornate or brightly coloured bases that really make a visual impact or have that “wow factor”. (If you’re not sure, just ask yourself, did you go “wow” when you saw it).

It’s all about scales
One of the biggest visual impacts you can make is about how well the lights are balanced in your house, that means how much they actually impact eye line and how balanced they are in size compared to other items in the room.
Top tip: Look at the size of the objects in your home and living areas and understand what fixtures and fittings are going to have the best impact in terms of scale to your general room proportions.

Don’t forget, colour and style
This was previously touched upon but colour and style have a real impact on the lighting in your home. Think about the colours that you want around the house but also how you want them displayed, is it on the lampshades, is it the lamps themselves or is it even with the light bulbs used?

Top tip; Mix and match the bases of lamps with the same colour lampshades so that you have a uniform colour around the house but have a variety of shapes and sizes that offset the colour giving your eye something more to look at.

* Collaborative post

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