
Wednesday 19 August 2015

I was the girl who.........

I was the girl who.............

I want to tell you a story. Once upon time there was a teenager, she was a real party girl. Sometimes two or three times a week this party girl was out, slamming shots, smoking fags and the first on the dance floor. Bleary eyed, this party girl would lie in bed till 2pm the next day watching Shipwrecked, drinking squash, dreaming of a mahoosive greasy fry up to cure the stinking hangover. 

That girl was me. 

That girl is a shadow of who I am now, a memory of my past. That girl was me, before I grew up, before I was Mummy.

Think I was 21 here.

Looking back at these pictures I can't quite believe that it's me. I'm nothing like I was then. I'm a smoky joe for a start! Of course I do enjoy a drink and if you follow me on Instagram you will know that I very much enjoy my wine and prosecco but no way in the quantities that I used to drink. 

I had been going to pubs and clubs from around the age of 16, I started smoking at 15 because I thought it was cool and the 'norm' (I'm now proudly a non smoker and have been for 7 years). I didn't think twice about chucking 10 shots down my throat and mixing my drinks. I'd be one of the first on the dance floor and just enjoyed the whole pub/club atmosphere. I used to really enjoy the whole 'getting drunk' experience, that warm and fuzzy feeling you get as your inhibitions start to disappear. I would stumble home, sometimes alone and would never consider the risks to my safety. When I think back to some of behaviour I feel so ashamed! I had some great nights out though and I wouldn't have changed my party loving lifestyle.  

I used to find it difficult to ever say no to a night out, even if my then boyfriend/now husband wanted to stay in I'd usually persuade him to go out. I guess, at times we missed out on the snuggly, coupley nights in because of my need and want to go and get drunk. Although, that being said he did used to get completely and well and truly off his head at times too! We did both used to like going out, many a times we would have theme nights where we'd all dress up and living in Loughborough it was quite the norm to have fancy dress nights and they were alot of fun! 

You might recognise a certain lady in a couple of photos, myself and Sarah (RunJumpScrap) have had several raucous and drunk nights out in the last few years. In fact on my hen do, it was us 2 that ended up dancing with some questionable characters in a dodgy London pub, ahh haha the memories. In fact, I'm fairly sure that one of the first times we met we all (now husbands included) ended up going out and getting horrendously drunk!

So that was then.

My hen do - good god. 
This is now. 

One of my friends said to me recently that she fancies a night out.  She said she wants us all to go out dancing and get drunk. I have to admit, I shuddered slightly. The thought of going out and doing shots and getting drunk these days make me feel a little nauseous. I just don't do the whole nightclub and partying scene anymore, I can't remember the last time that I even stepped foot inside a nightclub, probably a hen do but it will have been a while ago! 

It's not just the concept of going out and drinking, it's the whole thing. Getting in at 3am steaming and knowing that you will be woken up 7am (or earlier) by a toddler than is high on life or a 4 month old baby demanding my attention. Believe me I have learnt the hard way more than once that a large volume of alcohol and babies just do not mix. Ever. 

The fun never stops.
Now I am not going all holier than thou on this. I still like to enjoy a drink (s) and can quite happily have a few of bottles of wine shared between friends but I guess, what I am trying to say is that right now in my life I would much rather get a babysitter and head out for a really nice meal with my husband or friends. I love sitting around a large table, drinking and chatting where we can actually hear each other and my feet don't stick to the floor, or I slip over in someone elses  my own vomit (and yes this happened, classy). 

So attractive right now.

Perhaps some people might think I'm a bit boring now. maybe I am? I like to think that I'm not boring but that I've had my fair share of hangovers and I'd rather remember a night out instead of having my head down the loo the next morning. I'd prefer to spend my money on fine food and expensive wine and have a chilled night in or in a nice restaurant or bar. Even if  perhaps I do come across boring these days it's because that is what I'd rather do, I don't care, I know it will be me without the sore head on a morning! 

I do love looking back on drunken photos and memories, I have had some fantastic nights out and the drunken behaviour will always remind me that I enjoyed my youth before I started getting to be an old cow!

How did you spend your youth? Like me parting and getting drunk?

Best of Worst

Modern Dad Pages


  1. hahah i love that my #bestandworst post this week includes drunken pictures too! I was the same - now I dread the morning after more than i look forward to the night out - depressing!!

  2. OMG!!! HELENNNNNNNN! This is so funny. It's the Mark Ellis night and what were you sticking over your bits again?? So agree though. I love a drink and dance but it is so hard now being a Mum xx #bestandworst

  3. It's great that we can look back and reflect on our past. I was never a party girl and I don't drink, but I did used to smoke because like you I thought it was 'cool'. I haven't smoked for over 10 years now. Great post. #bestandworst

  4. I used to love a good old night out and I'm still always the first to dance - the mum dance now lol!! But now I have the hangover with children in the back of my mind I'm very cautious #bestandworst xx

  5. I love this!! Unfortunately (I think), I have never been that girl. Maybe, just one night, with my transport home being a Tesco shopping trolley, but very rare. A full night's sleep is definitely higher on my list than a night out drinking these days. Thank you for sharing and for hosting #bestandworst P.S. I love the photos! x

  6. Yep I was a bit of a party girl....Eek! I lived for the weekends.....Now....I'd much rather stay home with a bottle of wine, the TV and
    Great photos! It looks like you had some great nights x

  7. Hehehe look at you two party animals! Well I must admit to being a bit of a party girl myself. I still love a night out dancing and wine is one of my oldest friends ;) It's great looking back at old photos! #bestandworst xx

  8. Ahh, those were the days! I was exactly the same and feel exactly the same now! :D #bestandworst

  9. I have never been a party girl, as I was married and pregnant by the age of 20. I use to be a little envious of the girls that did go out, but even now that my kids are grown im still a homebird #bestandworst

  10. Errr... so you just went and wrote my life story word for word. Jeez! Brilliant!
    xx #BestandWorst

  11. Yep smokey joe party girl as well!! In fact my timehop has just reminded me that it was this night 4 years ago that I met my (now) husbands work mates for the first time and the 2 of them had to carry me across London Bridge tube and I ended up losing a shoe......#fail #bestandworst

  12. I used to go out club hopping too when I was in my 20s, not in my teen age years though as I was seriously into school. It was good fun then, drinking and partying... but I don't see myself doing it now, I don't think I can concentrate coz for sure I will be thinking whats going on at home with kids alone with their dad, lol. #bestandworst

  13. I was talking about this the other day.... I called myself boring, and I certainly do not drink like I used to....a pint of vodka and lemonade was ny favourite....or if I was being posh, a bottle of pilot and a shitload of shots.... I was definitely more fun, but, having a hangover with a baby is a real eye opener, so it is a very rare occasion now. I like to drink, mainly Bubbles Friday, but, I have limits now.
    But, as a lot of my friends still don't have kids, and they can't handle it either, so
    it's also called age!! Hahah the hangovers get worse as you get older!!! 😂

  14. Now that looked like a hen do to remember haha. This post really made me giggle. I haven't quite slipped up in my own vomit yet and cant say I really partied much - I was pretty boring :) Great post! #bestandworst

  15. Now this post made me chuckle! Looked like a hen do to remember for sure! Slipping in your own vomit has to be bad! #bestandworst

  16. I love this post. It's amazing to look back on how much your life changes once you have kids. #bestandworst

  17. Love this...with you on the wine and meal front rather than a nightclub, although these stay in nights have ended up being more fun than hitting the town! xx

  18. Yep I was like that too. Nothing I liked more than a good night out with a fair few vodkas involved! I stay in always and half a bottle of wine goes to my head!! Great post. #bestandworst xx

  19. Oh yes, I was a bit naughty too. Sometimes I still get carried away when I go out with friends although carried away now is staying out til 11pm, not 6am.

    PS. More posts with old pics please-love it. Especially picks of Run Jump Scrap :-)


  20. I was totally the same, and could not be more different now. I love the idea of doing some of it again as I haven't been dancing in ages, but don't like feeling off my face anymore. Tiddly yes but even then the hangover next day makes parenting hard work!! At least we have out memories of lots of fun hey? Xx

  21. How kids calm us down I was definitely a party animal now in bed at 10 always knackered hilarious post thanks for hosting x

  22. There's still a party animal in there somewhere! :-D #BestandWorst

  23. I used to love shipwrecked, I had forgotten all about that show. I used to be out lots too and like you enjoyed the atmosphere however looking back I was unhappy and using alcohol to cover that up. I much prefer getting dressed up and going for a few cocktails and having a good old chat!
    Thanks so much for hosting #Bestandworst

  24. Oh wow it really does look like you made the most of your nights out, and why not? I, like you, would rather have a nice quiet night at a restaurant (or even better, at home!) and I can't remember my last club experience. I don't care if people think I'm boring, I enjoy my sofa! Becky x #bestandworst

  25. I remember going to pubs, staying for the lock-in and getting home at stupid o'clock and then getting up for work the next day ...! I couldn't do it now. Hangovers get worse as you get older and they know when you're weak! It was fun though ...! Wonder if we could get a babysitter ...

  26. I think the party stage is a rite of passage as you grow up :) I still like a good night out, only problem is, I get hangovers now, I never did when I was younger. Everyone warned me it would happen and they were right! Great post, love the drunken pics :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  27. I'm so glad to see I am not the only one with a somewhat questionable past! My teen years were a rather alchohol soaked affair but since becoming a mummy I just don't have it in me!! There is nothing worse than a hangover with a toddler at 6am!! #bestandworst

  28. Oh my goodness, I could easily have written this same post (and I even went to uni in Loughborough). I was a total party animal too and loved nothing more than a good dance and some drink. Now though I do like a nice dinner party/meal out with friends when I can actually hear them and I'm drinking quality wine, not cheap alcopops and shots. A bit of dancing now and then would be good although I would need to be staying somewhere other than my house. Children and hangovers do not go together. #bestandworst

  29. Great post and definitely one I can relate to! #brilliant blog posts

  30. Ahhh I came over all nostalgic then. I agree I couldn't face a night out doing shots and busting some moves, but I would love a slumber Sunday. Shipwrecked, back to back Hollyoaks (is it still going?) and a greasy fry up. Instead its up at 6.30 singing the wheels on the bus and praying Little Monkey has a morning nap so I eat some cereal. Oh the memories, before selfies and One D x

  31. I can whole heartedly relate to this post!! I was once the life and soul of any party.,, if there was an award for the most drunk I'd routinely snap it up. Good times, amazing fun. I'll always feel I was ready to hang up my partying shoes though, because I lived my youth to the full! I still love a good time now and again, but boy hangovers and kids do not mix! X MMT

  32. Oh my goodness that hen night pic hahahaha you are brave to post that lol! I think my youth was pretty tame... I don't drink! x #bestandworst

  33. I totally get this post, I was a big time party girl throughout my twenties and now I'm 31, I'm calming down massively. I don't yet have children, although I would love to, but I'm really looking forward to a different phase in life that doesn't involve hangovers! #BrilliantBlogPosts

  34. I totally get this post, I was a big time party girl throughout my twenties and now I'm 31, I'm calming down massively. I don't yet have children, although I would love to, but I'm really looking forward to a different phase in life that doesn't involve hangovers! #BrilliantBlogPosts

  35. I was never that much of a party girl, but I did like pubs. It's astounding now, how much I used to drink, but gradually I think my intake was decreasing naturally year by year. quite possibly as the hangovers gradually got worse. Now I drink very little. I'm glad. I would never want to give up completely, but I must have spent a fortune on getting ratarsed. #bestandworst


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