
Wednesday 10 June 2015

Facing Fears.

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Fear. An emotion, the feeling or condition of being afraid.

Erghh the time has come to yet again face one of my fears. I hate having fears, I hate being fearful. I seem to have a few irrational fears, ones with no rhyme or reason but yet they are there. Tormenting me. These fears are in my head and they plague me until I have to man up and face them I hate this bit. 

Here are some of my fears:

Spiders. I actually googled images to include but I just couldn't bring myself to put one on my blog. This is, after all a blog about nice things, pretty things and not evil creatures. I have had a fear of spiders since I was very little. It stems from 1. walking through a web of baby spiders when very little and getting covered in them and 2. pulling the duvet over me to see an actual tarantula (ok, ok I know slight exaggeration but at 7 years old it may as well have been!) running over my duvet towards me. 

Flying. This is a weird one as I have no reason to be fearful of flying and yet I am. I have flown quite alot and I won't let my fear stop me from visiting the world, but this is one of my more irrational fears and I am really such a nervous flier, I have to take medication to help me relax. Weird really because I actually quite like the whole airport experience and watching planes from the terminal!

Rollercoasters. With good reason seeing as what has happened recently. Ask any of my friends and they will say just how scared I am to get on a coaster. I once queued up for hours with my friends to go on Air at Alton Towers and chickened out right at the last minute, I would rather do that and watch from the ground. Seriously why would anyone want to go on something that spins you upside down and goes stupidly fast with sometimes just a bar hold on to. Crazy peeps!

Burning or drowning. I sometimes have this dream about the house burning and I can't get out, all the doors are locked and I can't find the keys and all I can think about are getting the children and cats out of the house. I often lie and think about my escape plan from our house! Drowning I just would hate that, the feeling of not being able to get my head out of water just makes me feel really quite panicky even though I'm quite good in water! Bizarre.

Finally, the fear that I am going to have to overcome next week. The dreaded dentist, wahhhh! 

To give you a brief background this is another one of my irrational fears. When I was a teenager I got it into my head that it wasn't 'cool' to visit the the dentist, god knows why but I stopped going. Fast forward 10 years (yes, yes I know 10 years since I visited the dentist, silly girl) and surprise, surprise part of my tooth fell out. I then had to be gently persuaded by my dear husband that now was the time to visit the dentist. So after a trip to the Dr to be prescribed some sedatives (lol, honestly Temazepam are marvellous, they really help me relax) I was ready to face my fear. I remember I was absolutely petrified, I was sweating and shaking like a leaf but fortunately I have a very understanding and calm dentist that helped me through it. After 10 years I had 5 fillings to be done, I actually didn't think that was too bad for 10 years worth of no dentist treatment. Over a couple of appointments, the Temazaepam and a shite load of anaesthetic I faced my fears and had the fillings done. It wasn't the worst experience on reflection but obviously not the best. 

Anyway, rewind back to Saturday night and I was quite happily enjoying my steak and chips (nom) and I felt a rough part on my back tooth. As I ran my tongue over my tooth I could feel a gap, erghh oh my god, nooooooo this is not good. After a quick check in the mirror it was plain to see that I'd lost half my tooth. Panic started to rise, I could feel it in my belly the nerves and anxiety, I knew this was not a good thing! On inspection my filling was still intact which I was pretty thankful for. I just kept thinking why oh why do these things happen on a weekend AND just before we go away on holiday?! I then found out on Monday that my usual dentist is on holiday for a week meaning that I couldn't get an appointment till the next Monday. So I am booked in for then, I'm scared of course, a little anxious and I'm worried that they may have to drill out the filling or take my tooth out. I'm praying that won't be the case and he might be able to just rebuild the tooth but my fear is starting to rear its ugly head. 

I have been wondering if your teeth are more liable to damage after being pregnant? Does anyone have any light to shed on this?

So this has definitely been the worst part to my week so far, I suspect that Monday won't be great but at least I know I'm going to a dentist who I trust and hopefully it will be fixed before we go away to France!

So the moral of the story ladies and gents is don't have silly irrational fears such as visiting the dentist, it comes back to bite you on the bum years later when you're much more aware of things!

Best of Worst

The Reading Residence

Binky Linky


  1. I hate having fears too, I have a huge phobia of bananas (don't laugh!), my kids can't have toys of them, eat them etc because of this, which is really bad and quite sad but that's how it is =[
    Flying is also a huge fear of mine but I let my OH fly my in a plane last month for his birthday, I just sucked it up haha!

    1. Well we are all individual with different fears and I would never laugh :-) X

  2. Oh no you poor thing, I really hope your next visit goes well! I totally relate to your fear of spiders, UGH they are so creepy! I'm trying not to pass this fear onto the girls but it's so hard to not scream when I see one! Good luck at the dreaded dentist xx

    1. Aren't spiders just nasty, nasty things! I have to be careful not to pass the fear on too but it's so hard not to squeal when I see a spider! x

  3. I have a fear of false teeth, it is something ive talked about on my blog before, it's horrid x

    1. Eek! Let's face it though they're not the nicest thing are they! x

  4. Urgh. I've an irrational fear of closed spaces, and drowning..... deep breath being taken right now

    1. Ohh my husband isn't a fan of enclosed spaces either, not nice X

  5. I have a stupid amount of fears. My main one that affects my life is my fear of being in cars. I am a rubbish passenger and wind myself up when I think about driving myself. I usually actually enjoy driving-once I've got to where I need to be! Good luck with the dentist. I hope that it all goes well and isn't as bad as you expect x.

    1. Isn't it funny how different things affect us all. I'm hoping it won't be too bad but I'm sure I'll be very nervous on Monday morning :-( x

  6. Spiders WAHHHH! totally there with you on that one. One fell on my head in a bed when I was little. End of. #bestandworst

  7. Oh spiders are my worst fear, I can not look at them or touch a book with them in, I have left one in my kitchen to kill all the tiny bugs & flies but he is high up and never comes down so I don't mind him. I had one scuttle across my pillow a few weeks ago and it took me hours to get to sleep! I am petrified! Also anything that involves my legs being trapped or secured scares the life out of me, I can't imagine anything worse and if they do get trapped I freak out, I sit in the car with my legs just in case we get in an accident and my legs won't be trapped! I'm so silly.

    I hope your dentist appointment goes well, my teeth are awful since having my daughter, I'm more prone to staining and my enamel is very weak.

    Georgia x

    Georgia Petite

  8. I have got so much better about my fear of spiders. When I was a single mum I had to get brave and catch them with a glass and throw them out. Facing your fears is a great achievement. Good luck at the dentist, you can do it! x

  9. I absolutely share the spider thing,think I'd rather fly on a plane to the dentist than spend more than a second with one of those creepy little buggers lol x #bestandworst

  10. I don't think any of those are really weird. I have a phobia about pointy things and often have to turn the fork over as I can't bear it.

  11. It horrid how fears can get the better of us. I try so hard to to pass my fears down to my children but harder than I thought it would be! Hope the tooth is OK.

  12. It's amazing how our fears take over! I try not to pass my fears onto the Tubblet but haven't been as successful as I'd like. Good luck at the dentist! #bestandworst

  13. I have always been the same with the dentist and now have awful teeth! One good thing has come out of it and that is I make sure my kids teeth are incredibly well looked after and I drum into them how important it is to clean their teeth and visit the dentist. I hate spiders and flying too x

  14. My teeth still look pretty good (to me) but I haven't been to a dentist in 10 years. Drives my wife insane

  15. I can relate! I am terrified of flying. I've flown countless times and for some reason I get more nervous instead of less! It makes no sense!
    And the dentist!!! Ahhh!!! I had so much dental work done as a child that it traumatized me. 20 years later those old fillings have weakened my teeth and I too had one crack, which is what sent me back. I have a temporary filling in now (they wanted to wait until I was done breastfeeding to do major repairs). It wasn't so bad. The fear was definitely worse than the process.
    Good luck! I hope you come through feeling braver & stronger afterwards! :) #bestandworst

  16. I totally get the dentist fear thing...who can enjoy being trapped in a chair at the mercy of a person with a big needle?! Gritting your teeth (so to speak!) and thinking positively about the fact that it will be worth it in the end, is the only way to make it through. I hope the visit went well and your teeth are now mended! #bestandworst

  17. I have the longest list ever of fears...scaredy cat right here!! Hope the dentist goes ok, good luck #bestandworst xx

  18. Pregnancy ruins teeth. I had to have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled after having Maxi! You will be fine, stay strong.

  19. Never been a fan of spiders...who is? Watching Arachnophobia as a young child really didn't help... the bit where she puts her foot in the slipper and there's one in there...eurgh! I actually blogged on the fear of flying a couple of months back. I had never had before - at all and I fly loads but age, being a mum and some of the recent aeroplane incidents have made me think a bit more about it. Which is a bad thing because at the end of the day, we create fears in our minds, and we are the only ones who can control it so I just try to push any fearful thoughts aside! Having children definitely helps face the spiders one - who else is going to get rid of them? I used to love rollercoasters but not sure I fancy getting on one anytime soon. Good luck with the dentist!! #bestandworst

  20. Oh no :-( I hate having fears and have fears about such random things!! I have a fear of flying too and get myself worked up but once we've landed I'm fine. Hope it goes well at the dentist #bestandworst xx

  21. Oh no, poor you. I think irrational fears are so difficult to deal with because of that irrationality. You can't explain that, but just have to try and deal with them as best you can. So, good luck at the dentist and I'll be rooting for you (sorry, teeth joke......)

  22. I;m not a fan of spiders but sinc ehaving the kids I've tried to be braver so I don't pass it on to them x x

  23. I am petrified of earthworms, can't even look at a picture of one. Unfortunate really as I own an allotment. I like the dentist now as I've had lots done and they've made my teeth look better. I do know that your gums bleed more when you are pregnant so this could be a factor.

  24. Totally get spiders, dentists and the burning/drowning thing x

  25. I hate the dentist too. My Daughter is a dental assistant and she said that nearly every patient is fearful of dental treatment. My fear is heights, I lose my balance if I'm up high.

  26. I don't think any of us are keen on the dentist are we. I seem to remember my teeth were a bit more sensitive before/after pregnancy but I might be making that up! Definitely not a fan of spiders especially having lived in Australia, don't mind the money spiders but they've not delivered yet!

  27. I think we all have fears, it is how we cope or confront them that counts :)

  28. oooh I hope it gets sorted hun before you go away! I'm not too bad at the dentist...I do my in for 3 out for 4 labour breathing if I feel a bit stressy! And we had some bumps on the flight back from and Mum were bricking it!!! xx

  29. Those fears are all things that many of us are apprehensive about! Ii hope it goes ok next week!

  30. I really don't like spiders but I try not to show it in front of the kids because I don't want to pass my fear on to them.

  31. Oh I don't like the dentists either, and similarly left it for a while and then needed fillings. It's always worse if you leave it, I must learn that! Hope it goes well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  32. It's so cool that you are facing your fear, one step at a time. I was wracking my brain over what I fear. I think I've overcome most of my fears. Something about having children. #WotW

  33. I am scared of the dentist I have to say

  34. I don't like dentists either. The same goes for water. I think my biggest fear is water, I have no idea how it started but I can't swim and I used to make any excuse up at school to avoid swim lessons. I think they gave up with me at the end! #wotw

    Rachel xx

  35. I have the same fears, so glad there isn't a spider image, but I don't mind some roller-coasters. I have been braver at the dentist since I have needed to be brave for my boy and show him it is all OK. But I have a feeling a tooth will have to come out soon and they will have to knock me out for that! x

  36. I don't mind dentists or spiders but I am not happy about heights and avoid them if possible.

  37. I so feel the same about dentists...and spiders! I would love to conquer my fears.

  38. I am the same with spiders but far worse with crocodile I know how ridiculous I have no idea where it came from but I cant even look at a picture of one, hope you tooth is ok what a nightmare x

    1. We have the same fear! I dont even see a lot of them in real life nor have I been into a cage of a crocs but I am so scared of them too!

  39. My mother started losing her teeth after giving birth to me and my sister. I think it is related! #wotw

  40. I adore flying and rollercoasters but am with you on the dentist and spiders!

  41. I don't like visiting the dentist either. Hope it all goes well for you.

  42. I had the exact same thing happen to one of my teeth when I was pregnant. And someone I used to work with told me that his mother had something similar happen when she was pregnant with him and his twin brother. I think teeth can be more susceptible; perhaps your body's calcium supply is being diverted to your baby?

  43. can't stand dentists i have such rubbish teeth


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